Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-Seven:

A Danger Illustrated


Interlude Seven:

Sirius peered inside the cellar doorway to make sure Contessa was in the kitchen, making dinner. To his satisfaction, she was clattering around and appeared quite busy. She was grumbling over some weird soufflés that she couldn't get to rise. Sirius shook his head and padded back to the sitting room where Remus was sitting on the couch, listening to the wireless and eating chocolates.

Dumbledore had not been pleased with him for taking her out of the house. Sirius was sure his displeasure was blunted by the fact that it had turned out all right. But, Sirius knew he was skating on thin ice now. It was one of the many reasons Remus was staying with them again.

Sirius threw himself on the couch next to Remus. It had been two weeks since Remus got out of the hospital. Sirius rather liked having Remus over. It cheered him up like it never had before. Perhaps that was because he was allowing himself to think of Remus as more than a friend. Or maybe it was because his own "death" and Remus's near-death experience just made him appreciate what he had all the more.

Remus still looked a little sick, but was otherwise nearly recovered. Sirius didn't like his color--he still looked pale, even by his standards. From what Sirius had heard, Snape had only just got out of the hospital a few days ago--no doubt to the disappointment of most of the Hogwarts students. Apparently, he had nearly killed himself with the last Portkey he had made. Sirius's opinion of Snape went up a notch to think Snape had been willing to die to get them to the Burrow. Either that, or Snape was overconfident, though he didn't strike Sirius as the type.

Sirius tried to pay attention to the program on the wireless, but Remus kept distracting him. Watching him place a chocolate on his tongue, then curl his tongue around the piece in a very suggestive manner, and then close his mouth and eyes while he savored each piece was really more interesting than the comedy show Remus had chosen to put on.

"You know, Contessa says all that sugar and chocolate you like to eat isn't good for you," Sirius said, watching Remus repeat the process of eating a piece of chocolate with more interest than he should probably be showing. He had practically given up on Remus actually loving him. Harry had to be mistaken. Remus acted as he always did towards Sirius. He always stiffened up when Sirius got too close, like he was doing now as Sirius leaned over a little. Sometimes Remus would look at him for a very long time without saying anything. He was as mild and calm as ever.

Remus sighed in irritation. "I'm well aware of that," he said and inched away from Sirius without looking at him.

"So then why eat it all the time? You've always had a sweet tooth, Moony, and you always get sick," Sirius said, drawing back.

"I happen to like it. It's bad for everyone."

"She says it's ten times worse for a werewolf to eat it. She says you should be eating more protein and citrus."

"I find nothing more irritating than a Death Eater who has put Harry and all the people he cares about in mortal danger lecturing me about my diet. Except perhaps a man who has spent his entire life eating whatever fell into his hand first, telling me what I can and cannot eat."

"Wow, we're bitchy today. Is it that time of the month again?"

"The full moon isn't for two weeks," Remus returned.

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