Chapter 4

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Chapter Four:

Return to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place


Harry was not entirely happy to be back at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. He used to possess a strange sort of attachment to this house when his godfather, Sirius, was alive. Now, stepping in this house felt not only weird, but depressing.

Mad-Eye Moody ushered him in, gesturing towards the kitchen. He had brought Harry back by a Portkey after spending exactly a month with his aunt and uncle. Harry hadn't told them good-bye, but that was just as well. They didn't care. Mad-Eye gruffly bid him farewell, quickly Disapparating to go attend his duties for the Order of the Phoenix. Harry walked into the kitchen of his godfather's house and found Mrs. Weasley, his best friend's mother, cooking dinner.

Harry's two best friends, Ron and Hermione, leapt from their seats at the dinner table at his arrival. Harry flashed them a smile he didn't mean as Hermione hugged him and Ron clapped him on the back. Mrs. Weasley left the saucepot stirring itself so she could hug Harry properly as well. When they separated, Harry saw Ginny grinning at him enthusiastically from the table she was setting. Everyone began talking at once.

"Good to see you, Harry!" Ron cried.

"Oh, Harry, I'm so glad you're here!" Hermione said.

"Have you been eating properly this past month?" Mrs. Weasley asked worriedly.

"Hi, Harry!" Ginny called.

"Hello, everyone," Harry said as happily as he could. He looked around the kitchen, remembering the meals he shared with his godfather there. Everyone seemed to guess what he was feeling, because they all quickly withdrew from him, looking uncomfortable.

"You came just in time for dinner, Harry," Mrs. Weasley said gently. "I have to leave in just a bit, so it will be just you children for dinner."

"Mum, honestly, we're all over fifteen," Ron sighed.

Mrs. Weasley ignored him, giving Harry another squeeze before going back to the saucepot. It looked like she was making some sort of stew. Harry sat down at the table and then realized there were five plates set. There were only four of them.

"Who else is coming for dinner?" Harry asked, staring at the fifth plate curiously.

Hermione and Ron exchanged a look while Ginny stared determinedly at the napkins she was folding. Harry's brows creased.

"What is it?"

"Well, that should do it," Mrs. Weasley said distractedly, grabbing her bag and cloak. "Help yourselves. There's enough for all of you to have large plates. Make sure you leave enough for Draco."

"Draco?" Harry cried, leaping to his feet. "As in Draco Malfoy?"

"Yes, Harry," Mrs. Weasley said sadly. "Draco Malfoy."

"What the is he doing here?" Harry asked incredulously. Something crashed upstairs and Mrs. Black began screaming in the distance. This made no sense. How on earth could the person he hated most of anyone in his year be staying at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?

"Harry, don't look like that. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation. Far-fetched, but reasonable," Hermione said. Hermione had suffered as much as he had due to Draco's cruel school antics, yet she seemed perfectly all right with Draco staying here.

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