Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine:

Facing the Music


It was the commotion downstairs that awoke Harry.

He disentangled himself quickly from Draco, who was slowly awakening. Harry tried to think less about Draco's warm body pressed against him and more about climbing out from under the bed.

Harry banged his head on the bed, causing him to yelp in pain. He swung his hand out to grab his head and accidentally hit Draco in the face. Draco yelped and tried to sit up as well, banging his own head on the bottom of the bed. Harry tried to climb over him, but they only wound up getting tangled in the blankets and rolled out from under the bed.

The door was burst open by Severus Snape. Ron and Hermione were behind him, looking like they hadn't slept a wink. Harry wasn't sure if the Colloportus spell had worn off or what Snape did to dispel it, but he fervently wished Snape could have waited two minutes to burst in.

Harry and Draco had tumbled out from under the bed, twisted up in blankets and each other. Draco was lying on the floor, holding his head. Harry was practically straddling him, wishing there was a hole he could crawl into and die. His face was red, he could just feel it.

Snape's sharp eyes scanned Harry and Draco, his upper lip curling with disgust. Ron looked confused and Hermione surprised.

"This isn't what it looks like. I swear. We were just trying to get out from under the bed," Harry said quickly, getting off Draco like he was burned.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," Draco moaned, sitting up and holding his head.

Snape sneered at Harry. "What have you done, Potter?" he asked sharply, snapping his eyes to Draco as he stood up.

"I saved his life is what I did," Harry said. "And then he saved mine. We were hiding under the bed."

"We're fine," Draco said, glaring at Harry and then looking at Snape. "It was like he said. We were just trying to get out from under the bed."

"Yeah, well, me and Hermione were hiding under the bed, too, only we--" Ron started to say before Hermione elbowed him in the ribs and shot him a dangerous look.

"Remus! Contessa! Are they okay?" Harry cried, the weight of last night's events crashing down on him as his initial embarrassment faded.

Snape frowned, his expression darkening and his sneer became a scowl. "They're both alive," he said.

"Oh, good," Harry said, breathing a sigh of relief.

Snape gave him an odd look. "Do you think so? They think Contessa fed Lupin a bad potion. She's probably going to be sent to Azkaban for this one," he said darkly.

"WHAT?" Harry cried. He flew out of the room with Draco hot on his heels. Ron and Hermione followed as well. Snape strode out after them, looking carefully neutral.

The landing had been repaired so Harry was able to run down the stairs. He could see people standing in the sitting room. He ran in, practically knocking over Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who had just entered the room.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione! Oh, thank goodness you're all not hurt! Oh, and it's good you're okay, too, Draco," Mrs. Weasley exclaimed tearfully, adding the last bit as an afterthought. She swept up Ron, Harry, and Hermione in her arms. Harry struggled free, running to the middle of the room, shoving members of the Order of the Phoenix aside.

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