Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two:



Lupin stood politely by the door, waiting for Draco and Harry on the morning they had to return to Hogwarts. Tonks was there, too, with bright, electric blue hair and eyes to match. She was standing by a scowling Rufus, who was wearing a purple and orange outfit that looked like it came off a Halloween rack. Kingsley was also there, loading their trunks onto a trolley.

Sirius stood in a corner, staring at Lupin like he was trying to drill holes into him with his eyes. Lupin coolly ignored Sirius's presence, standing by the stairs with his hands in his pockets. Neither spoke to the other. Harry had an insane urge to bang their heads together. He still felt a bit guilty about his impulsive decision to tell Sirius about Lupin's feelings--but it had to have been for the best. What if Sirius could--or did--return them? They had always been strangely close in Harry's mind. It was almost as if they formed a pair in his mind right after his third year. He couldn't help but think of them as inseparable.

Contessa stood on the landing, staring down at them. She had not fully dressed since Sirius forced her out of bed and, though she was clean, her hair was in tangles now. Her dressing gown slipped down a shoulder unheeded and she stared at Draco with a sad expression.

"Tu feras attention, n'est-ce pas?" Contessa asked Draco. It took Harry a moment to realize she was speaking in French.

"Oui," Draco said shortly, checking one of his bags and not looking at her. Harry had caught Contessa whispering to Draco last night when Harry went in to spend the night with him. She had gotten up immediately and gave Harry a glare before sweeping out. Draco had been in a very dark mood after that.

"Ils te tueront à cause d'Harry. Ou tu voudras être mort," she continued.

Draco paused and gave her a dark glare. "Ca ne te regarde pas," he spat.

"Tu ne t'inquiètes pas de ce que ton père dirait?" she asked, slapping the banister in frustration. Lupin was watching her curiously, but without comprehension. No one else seemed to understand her but Draco.

"Unlike you, Contessa, I don't exist to please my father," Draco said darkly, turning from her.

Contessa slid down the railing and sat on her legs, biting her bottom lip and looking near tears. "There's a spy at the school, Draco. Why don't you believe me? It could be Snape!" she said. Her hands were clutching the bars of the banister, her face peering out between them like a prisoner.

"Why should I believe anything you say? You've lied to me before."

"Don't you remember, Draco? When you were four and Uncle Lucius and Aunt Narcissa had gone on holiday? They left us with that horrid nanny who read you a werewolf story and frightened you half to death. When you cried in the middle of the night, who came to you? And what did I tell you, Draco?" she said.

Draco paused, his eyes resting on Harry. They exchanged glances. Everyone else was silent, their eyes on Draco. "You told me you'd protect me. You said you'd never let the werewolves get me," he said softly, his eyes flicking to Lupin. Lupin looked down at his feet.

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