Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven:

Out and About


Godric was very curious about Harry and Draco's encounter. He seemed to think that Harry wanted to eat Draco for dinner and was surprised that hadn't been the point. When he seemed to figure out it had something to do with sex, he became confused and thought Harry was trying to mate with Draco. When Harry tried to explain that wasn't exactly the idea either, since Draco was male and Draco could definitely not lay eggs, Godric gave up trying to understand and simply suggested that Harry simply eat him and get it over with.

Harry wondered if there was some sort of double entendre hidden in that. Then again, he thought it rather safe to ignore the romantic advice of a cold-blooded reptile.

Hermione had went home with her parents after a few days, leaving behind a rather mopey Ron. Their date had been a success and they had gone out every night for the next few days before her parents came to collect her. They said they were going out walking, but Harry suspected their walks involved snogging on a park bench or under a tree somewhere. Especially since Ron always returned with a dopey smile and Hermione's lip gloss on his mouth.

Mrs. Weasley promptly seized this opportunity to take Ron and Harry back to the Burrow. Ron seemed pretty eager to return home, but Harry was rather reluctant, even though he loved the Burrow. His whole purpose for staying had been eliminated with the discovery of the Clone Concoction. Yet, to go would leave behind Lupin. And Draco. No, he was definitely staying behind to be supportive of Lupin. After all, leaving him in a house filled with Slytherins couldn't be good for his morale. And Mrs. Weasley was definitely not fond of the idea of Godric slithering around her house.

Harry declined to go. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley looked a little hurt, but let it alone.

So it was Lupin and Harry alone in a house full of Slytherins. Mrs. Weasley had managed to make Draco all his school robes before taking Ron. Snape came almost every night, and even stayed for dinner--usually because he'd have studied too long and Contessa would bring it to him--while making lists of ingredients for the Clone Concoction and the base potions. He and Contessa seemed to be working very closely on it. As much as Harry hated him, he had to admit Snape was efficient, clever, and resourceful. Snape and Contessa had gathered a lot of what they needed already. Harry and Snape, however, rarely spoke to each other. And Harry was positive that if Contessa wasn't on house arrest, he wouldn't come at all.

Snape showed up one night, limping into the sitting room bleeding and bruised, clutching a box full of wet canteens. He looked quite smug. Harry turned away from trying to ignore the depressing tragedy that involved far too much suicide that Contessa was listening to on the wireless, feeling almost relieved. Even Snape was better than that rubbish. Lupin woke from where he'd been sleeping in his chair and Draco sat up from where he'd been lying on the couch, looking as bored as Harry.

"The griffin guarding the Cave of Cruachan attacked me," he told Contessa when she rushed to his side, forcing him to sit down so she could look at his wounds. The box was set aside. He looked like someone had tossed him against sharp rocks and then ground him into them. His right shoulder and arm, in particular, had been quite thoroughly injured. His left hand was trembling, but when Snape noticed Harry was staring at it, he clenched it into a fist to make it stop and gave Harry a fierce glare.

"Why were you fighting with the griffin? It won't attack you unless you're taking the treasure at the bottom of the cave," Contessa demanded, ripping his sleeve open to glare at his wounded shoulder.

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