Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight:

The Full Moon Rises


"This is all your fault!"

Harry didn't think that was quite fair of Mrs. Weasley to accuse Contessa, but if Ginny had been his daughter, he'd imagine he'd fly into a rage as well. At the same time, Harry wasn't entirely thrilled with her just letting Lycaon go. He should have gone to prison, because the only thing that stopped him was them. However, Hermione brought up a good point.

"If they arrested him for something like this, Harry, how long do you think it would be before there's an outcry against werewolves and Lupin gets arrested for saying hello to someone? He didn't actually do anything. And do you think Ginny wants to be dragged through a trial like that?" she had asked him. "Besides, Lupin said he talked to the Aurors and they're going to keep an eye out for him. They'll try to get him arrested for something else."

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had Apparated in as soon as possible. Lupin calmly explained the situation and the Weasleys seemed less than inclined to want to put their daughter through a trial and seemed to echo Hermione's sentiments. Lupin made no comment about this. Ginny was still crying when they came, being held by Ron. Mr. Weasley covered her with a blanket and picked her up. He was tight-lipped and had never seemed so sad. Mrs. Weasley had gasped in horror at her daughter's state, but then spun on Contessa in anger.

Contessa just stood to the side, staring at the floor and saying nothing. Her long hair was covering most of her face.

"You were set here to watch over things and look what that monster did to my daughter!" she cried.

"Molly, calm down," Lupin said gently. "You can't possibly blame her for what Lycaon did. She had no way of knowing or preventing him."

"She was supposed to keep an eye on the children!" Mrs. Weasley cried, tears in her eyes.

"You can't watch children all the time, Molly. You know that," Lupin said again, very gently.

"How can you defend her, Lupin? She is responsible for everything that happens in this house now! You can't trust people like her! I knew it from the moment I saw her!"

"Can't trust people like what, Molly?" Lupin asked coolly, his light brown eyes growing very cold. "People with powers they can't control? Like Necromancers, Parselmouths, or werewolves?"

Mrs. Weasley was quiet for a moment. "Remus, I wasn't suggesting--"

"I was here, too, Molly. I'm supposed to be in charge, remember? I also failed to notice what Lycaon did until I heard Ginny screaming. You should be blaming me, not her," Lupin said heavily.

"It's not your fault, Remus, but I'm taking these children home with me, where they belong. Could you imagine how Hermione's parents would have reacted if it had been her?" she cried, spinning to look at Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"We can't go, Mum. There're things we have to do here," Ron said, looking at Ginny with a worried expression.

"What things? You need to come home where it's safe! I only agreed to let you stay here while I was on a mission for a few days!" Mrs. Weasley said fiercely.

"We can't go, Mum. We need to stay here. It's safe now. Lycaon's gone," Ron said firmly. Harry had never seen him act so firm around his mother.

"Let them be, Molly. Let's take Ginny home. They'll be fine," Mr. Weasley said gently, cradling his only daughter.

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