Chapter 1 : Unexpected Visitor

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"****, do you wish to be an idol and study under my custody?" a man with dark blue-green hair said to the older twin.

"...Yes, I wish to be an idol and study under you *****-san" ****** **** said.

"****-nii, don't leave me....." said a kid with cherry red hair.

The older twin let go of his little twin brother's hand and walked towards the man requesting him to study under him saying...

"You're still weak to follow me ****. Just stay here with Kaa-san and Tou-san. You're just going to be a burden to me and to your future members if you will become an idol with your asthma.

⨭Flashback Over⨮

A teen with cherry red hair is still sleeping peacefully in his room but he was disturbed from his dream when someone knocked into the room waking him up.

"Ohayou, Riku-kun." the man with pale purple hair said.

Sogo Osaka is a very calm and soothing person, if sometimes unsure, presence most of the time. He's very reserved, though, and prioritizes being polite and following the order of things over what he himself may desire. However, he does have a switch, and if you press it Sogo very quickly turns into one of the most menacing members of the group. Sogo doesn't often let his own desires be known to others and represses how he feels for fear of otherwise causing trouble for the other members. Sogo is also very aware of the ages of the group and he has held his age over previously, and also very regularly goes to the older members for advice.

"Ohayou Sogo-san!" replied enthusiastically by Nanase Riku.

Riku Nanase has a cute and energetic personality besides how weak his body is caused by his asthma. Despite that, he works hard to do what he can do, and doesn't want to be a burden to others. Due to living most of his early life in and out of hospitals, there's a lot Riku doesn't quite know about the world, and his naivety often shows itself because he wears his heart on his sleeve. Riku will often say things without thinking, and those things can be very rude or otherwise insensitive. 

After waking up, he prepared himself first before going to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"Ohayou, Riku" greeted by Mitsuki cooking pancakes for breakfast. 

Mitsuki Izumi is a positive ray of energy for most of the other members of IDOLiSH7. He takes on the role of older brother for many of the younger members as well as his own younger brother . His energetic personality very often sets or repairs the mood. Mitsuki has failed multiple auditions before joining IDOLiSH7. He often questions if he really has a place in IDOLiSH7, or if he even deserves to be a member. However, Mitsuki's mood-making skills are second-to-none, and he is by far the most capable MC in the group. He's very loud and boisterous, often playing the straight man to some of the other members' more ridiculous antics, and gets angry just as easy as he smiles. He hates it when someone insults his height despite being short he is the older one between the Izumi brothers.

"Ohayou, Mitsuki! What's for breakfast?" asked Riku.

"We're having pancakes for today so make sure you finish it!" reprimanded Mitsuki

"Oh and can you wake up Tamaki and Nagi for me Riku? It's very hard for me to wake them up but I think It's easy for you"

"Sure Mitsuki" said Riku in response.

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