Chapter 8 : Nightmare and Visit in the Nanase Household

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Everyone fished out their phones and took many pics of them to show to their senpai when he wakes up as blackmail to when they are teased by them. Everyone thought it was so cute seeing Re:vale like this but differently on the stage as professionals. While Momo is in his sleep, he was having a nightmare about something being bad to him that made Yuki worried as soon as he noticed that he is crying on his sleep.

⨭Back to Present⨮

Yuki was worried for his unit partner and lover crying in his sleep. Some of the idols and players in the gym assumpted that he is having a bad dream that turned into a nightmare that made him cry on his sleep. Yuki hugs Momo tight while Iori and Sogo broke the silence that was present before something goes wrong.

"Yuki-san, did Momo-san have nightmares before when you two became idols together?" asked Iori.

"He had minor nightmares but he didn't cry like this in his sleep..." said Yuki while looking at Momo's tear-stained face.

"Maybe something in his nightmare made him cry in his sleep. I think he's afraid of what will happen of what he saw in it that's why he's crying. I got a hunch of what it might be but I don't know if it's true or not." said Sogo.

" you perhaps know or is the name 'Tsukumo Ryo' familiar to Momo-san?" asked Sogo which made Yuki's blood boiling but kept his neutral face.

"Yeah, I know him, why?" confirmed Yuki.

"Maybe Tsukumo-san met Momo-san somewhere and said something to him that traumatized him despite keeping a happy face on front of us." said Iori.

"That Tsukumo Ryo bastard, he will pay if he traumatized Momo..." said an angered Yuki clenching his fists into a ball turning it a bit pale.

"Yuki-san, do you have methods to wake up Momo-san in this state?" asked the Nanase siblings.

"I have some, but I kinda only do it when we are only home alone when he get in situations like this. Come here Shoyo-kun, I'll whisper it to you." said Yuki motioning his hands to call Hinata forward and lean his ears to hear what is he going to whisper.

"Wakatta Yuki-san. Minna, all of you stay here we're going to the clubroom to wake up Momo-san. Me, Natsu, Riku, and Yuki-san will just guard the door the to make sure none of you take pics for blackmail because Momo-san will surely have tea from all of you." said Hinata shotting a glare at the idols.

"Sure." said the idol groups.

Just as he reminded them, Yuki carried Momo in a bridal style that everyone was shocked to because they didn't think their senpai will do that instead of carrying Momo at his back.

"Let's go Shoyo-kun. Lead the way to your clubroom." said Yuki with a sad smile.

"Hai, Yuki-san." said Shoyo walking out the the gym while Riku is following him and Natsu closed the door.

When they got at the clubroom, Riku opened the door because Yuki was holding Momo while he is still unconscious. Yuki layed Momo down the floor with a spreaded futon to not make Momo's back sore and be exposed to the cold. Shoyo, Riku, and Natsu standed outside the clubroom door to make sure no one is watching. While Yuki proceeded to do a way to make his beloved wake up.

"Momo wake up......" said Yuki caressing Momo's cheeks before kissing the tears off from it.

He sat Momo up while he is supporting his back and waist before hugging him to make Momo's breath hitch a little. He continued to tighten the hug to make him hear his heartbeat to make wake up. While the Nanase siblings are outside, Shoyo, Riku, and Natsu peeked in to see the moment and fished out their phones to take pics. Momo's were still heavy from his unconsciousness but managed to lift his eyelids up a little and saw Yuki waking him up with one of his techniques.

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