Chapter 10 : The meeting of Idols and Volleyball Players

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"Thanks guys!! After I finish my third year at Karasuno, I'm going to Takanashi Production to be an idol like Riku-nii here! I'm still going to play volleyball though but not as a pro but as a teacher to young kids."

"What a nice dream our kohai have Tanaka!" said Noya.

"I wish I could be like him." said Tanaka.

"Whatever path Hinata wants to take in the future I approve of it, because he's our baby crow. Right, Daichi?" said Suga to Daichi.

"Of course Suga."

⨭On the Bus Near the Camp⨮

Ryuu asked something to the Nanase siblings which is, "Riku-kun, Shoyo-kun, and Natsu-chan can I ask you guys something?"

"Sure Ryuu-san, what is it?" replied Shoyo.

"If Shoyo and Natsu finished their last years of school, do they also become idols at Takanashi Production?"

"Hai Ryuu-san. Due to us siblings that made our promise that if one of us gets scouted at a production, we will also follow them like Riku-nii here. He may be stubborn but he's also a determined hard-worker. All of us Nanase Siblings are prodigies in different aspects." said Riku. "Example for me Ryuu-san, I'm a prodigy at composing music, medicine, and I'm also studying laws same with Shoyo here with other talent prodigies for him. Shoyo is a prodigy at composing music, sports, academics, physical statistics, leadership, calculations, and many more therefore Karasuno here is extremely lucky with having him if they can also participate in the nationals in volleyball. And last is Natsu. Natsu is a prodigy in Mathematics, Art, Gymnastics, and Performance Arts. Her body is extremely flexible and can also make paintings and other types of arts just by one look and make it her own style. We never really show it to other people despite being and ordinary family living a normal life because we don't need fame rising in our names."

"Wow just wow, I can't believe you three are this talented." said Gaku while recovering from his shock.

"Wait Riku, you said you study medicine right? Is it because you are inside and outside of hospitals very often because of your asthma?" asked Sogo.

"Yes and No Sogo-san. I don't only study medicine because of my health, I also study medicine to help my family if they have illnesses. Because of me in and out of hospitals, I learned medicine in my own way because I'm always alone in my wards in the hospitals I'm admitted to. So to pass time, I learned many different medicine not just for asthma but also in different sickness and illnesses." said Riku.

"Wait Riku, if all of you are prodigies why are all of you going to Takanashi Productions after you graduate?" asked Nagi with his usual tone.

"In conclusion Nagi, we stick together as a family so no one would be left behind." said Riku. "I don't want that to happen another time. You already know why right?"

"Yess." said Nagi.

"We're here at the camp guys! Get your things! I need to see your friends Shoyo! Oh how's Kenma to you Shoyo?" asked Mizuki.

"He's super nice! We both like games but he always helps me to play new ones when we have time at training camps when we have nothing to do." replied Shoyo excitingly which thier mom giggled.

"Riku-nii you might need to wear your disguises. Mostly at the training camp are from different parts of Tokyo and maybe know you guys." said Shoyo to Riku while whispering it.

"Sure Shoyo. I'll just send it at the rabbit chat." whispered Riku back while typing on his phone.

⨭At the camp⨮

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