Chapter 12 : Tasting the Sunshine's Cooking

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"Guys I think I might consider them being idols instead of volleyball players now." said Mitsuki.

"Same here, Mitsu. I wonder how President requited us out of no where." said Yamato.


"ARIGATOU TAMA-NII AND NAGI-NII!!!" said Shoyo sweating on the stage.

"Shoyo-san did you write and composed the music?" asked Iori.

"Yeah I did!!!" said Shoyo while running to get water.

"Shoyo-kun how did you practice if you guys to different schools?" asked Sogo.

"Sogo-san we practiced this in our second year of middle school so we had time to prepare it." said Kunimi.

"THAT LONG?!" shouted Gaku and Ryuu who was shocked about the statement.

"SHO-NII CAN YOU MAKE ME PUDDING???" asked Natsu wanting pudding because she was hungry.

"Sure Natsu. What flavor do you want?"

"Just the normal one today with chocolate chips."

"Got it. Be right back. I'm gonna make some for all of us."

"Riku-nii what was my latest time in making those again?" asked Shoyo to his older brother.

"Hmmm about 2 hours I think. Do you want to reduce the time huh?"

"Heh. Riku-nii really know me huh. Arigatou, minna just follow me to the kitchen."

"Tamaki do you want to help me decorate?"

"Sure Shocchi, besides pudding is my specialty." said Tamaki pointing to himself.

"LET'S GOOO!!!!"

⨭At the Kitchen⨮

Shoyo started preparing the ingredients for the pudding. He multiplied it also to fit the needs pf all the people present in the camp with the managers and coaches. Tamaki also prepared the pot they were going to use because they are also many. Fortunately, all of them fit in to the cafeteria that was enough for large amounts of people in the camp and all of them would be sitting in chairs. Shoyo followed a video on how to make pudding in his phone and did the pudding one by one in 1 hour and 50 minutes near his latest time.


Shoyo got all the ingredients he needed to make custard pudding like sugar, water, eggs, milk, heavy cream, and vanilla extract. He measured the ingredients for a portion of the pudding first before multiplying it to how many people are in the camp. He put the sugar and water in a small pot and boiled it until it became a nice gold color, he then put in into cups and let it cool down. He cracked some eggs and separated the yolk from the white before cracking eggs and putting them whole in the mixture. Next he put milk, sugar, and heavy cream into a pot and heated it on to the stove make make it warm and not boil. He then mixed it with the egg mixture and added vanilla extract then mixed it. He poured the milk and egg mixture to the cooled down boiled sugar and water mixture at the bottom of the cups before putting hot water into the tray to prevent the pudding to stick at the container and baked them in the oven. What he didn't know that he pulled out the tray from the oven without putting mittens so he burned himself and hissed it out. He put the batches first into the refrigerator before shaking them out of the mini cups. He then called Tamaki to help him decorate the pudding.

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