Chapter 9 : Passing Exams and Talents

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⨭Timeskip in the Nanase Household⨮

"I got the drinks guys! You don't want to get choked are you?" said Riku while he lifted the tray a bit for them to see.

"Wahhhhh Arigatou Riku!!!!" said Momo, Tamaki, and Nagi.

"Arigatou Riku-kun/-san." said the volleyball club.

"Daijoubu!" said Riku putting the tray of drinks in front of the table.

"Jaa, Ittadakimasu!!!" said everyone.

When night came everyone's stomach was full and departed happily, while Tenn said he will catch up later to them and have a chat to his mom. He walked in the house again and started to talk with their mom.

⨭In the Living Room⨮

"Nee Mizuki-san....Iie...Kaa-san how are living after I left the house?" asked Tenn to his mother.

"We're fine Tenn-kun. Except when you left the family, Shoyo didn't want you as a brother anymore and that he kept changing topics and leaving early for school, food, and bathing to avoid about you."

"So you mean that he...."

"Gomen Tenn-kun, he hates you now. There was something that he said that shocked me because it was different from his personally say that thing."

"What did he say anyways?"

"He said: "I'm just a piece of trash... but there are things I learned. The hole in my heart is something other people can fill. If you reject your family's feelings and this world... just because something didn't go as you expected, no one will ever come to you. And so that hole won't be filled either, if you just run away without doing anything people won't do anything for you either... As long as you don't give up, you can still be trusted and loved by them...Tenn-san left the family to fulfil his reasons but he didn't say what is the purpose of leaving the family, changing his name, and how different he acts now to can I trust him now that he left and act different now....I don't know if the Tenn I know is still living inside of him that's why I'm giving up if he really regrets his decisions if he realizes he hates us and push away Riku-nii when he is still suffering from his asthma."

"Wait...did he really say that to you?"

"Yes.....Gomen Tenn-kun I think he loved Riku over you now when you left the family..."

"Souka...Jaa kaa-san can I help in any way possible? I want to do this as a forgiving gift because I left the family?"

"Hmm let's see, Riku like dozing around at times now and he became more aware of his asthma occurring and always wears thick clothes, scarfs, and hats now. Meanwhile Shoyo puts his grades up on top notch to prove the team his worth while practicing really hard to the point his hands will be covered with bruises and depleted stamina."

'They really changed....'
"I'll buy them some things kaa-san, I don't know if they would like them tho..."

"I think Shoyo would like a pair of kneepads and I think Riku needs another inhaler....his other one broke from something."

"Sure. I'll get them some."

"I think Shoyo is studying now😂He really wants to pass for their training camp besides he already gave me the slip and I signed it."


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