#1 ; the watching

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next week, sunwoo was expecting to see the same purple letters he sees every day. today, there was nothing. maybe this was his chance to confront somebody about it.

but nobody believed him, not even his best friend, eric.

"i'll just have to be careful, i guess," sunwoo thought to himself. he sat down carefully on the nearest bench he could find – in the school's garden.

he had to reread each letter in order and figure this out himself. if his 'secret admirer' watches him in the halls, then they must be watching him right now, right? nothing creepy, just love... right?

around him, it was complete silence. the only thing he could hear was the light rustling of the bushes and the groups of friends on the field.

for once this term, it felt.. normal. like nobody was watching him. like, well, just how it used to be.

he opened his phone and played his favourite playlist on shuffle, starting with salty by the girlz. he pulled out his favourite book, "jaywhypee's life", and flipped to the last page he read, page 69.

notice me ; sunkyuWhere stories live. Discover now