I ; go time

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here we are! hak sunyoung's mansion! even though sunwoo was going through the backdoor, the back garden was just as extravagant as the front. a vast pool filled with glittering water, camphor trees spread across the fence and a very very little patch of lucky bag orchids to finish it off. interesting..

just then, a voice suddenly spoke through his ear piece. "ARE YOU INSIDE YET?"

he groaned and pressed on the recording button to respond. "quiet down! you'll make me go deaf if you shove the microphone down your throat, just a word of advice."

📞 "okay okay.. sora slipped a pistol or something into your back pocket somehow. don't ask me, because i don't know where she got these. kinda sus but, use the bullets wisely"


📞 "use your word of advice, SW."

"fine. tell me where bae, midas, janus and vivace are."

📞 "alright. give me a minute.."

"thanks maestro moon." he let go of the recording button and unlocked the backdoor.

marble flooring.. nice. it would be so nice to live here. expensive paintings, huge tvs, designer clothes. can't believe his own classmate lives like this. he felt his back pocket, feeling something hard inside. so she really did put it in?

turning the pocket, he unzipped it. there, the pistol was tucked in tightly with button wrap. sora had given him instructions on how to hold, shoot and use the silencer for it. movies really are a lie...

"i didn't know it would be this serious.." he toured around different rooms, admiring the luxurious furniture and artwork.



📞 "sorry, sorry. janus and bae are on the fourth floor, vivace is being a wuss outside and midas is on the same floor as you."

"don't tell me midas is looking through her fridge."

📞 "you're gonna have to find him. moon out!"

sunwoo groaned and pulled out his map. kitchen, kitchen, where's the kitchen? he flipped the map upside down to view the 1st and 2nd floors. luckily, just behind him was the door to the kitchen. so all he has to do is turn around and-


"AAAAAAAAAAA!!&@£&!$$€¥*€ oh it's you midas. hi."

hakyeon burst out laughing so loud to the point where sunwoo had to take off his mask just to cover his mouth. "shhh they might hear us!"

"okay okay. hEE hEE"

"how much have you explored?"



"just the kitchen."

sunwoo facepalmed himself physically and mentally. he held hakyeon by his wrist and dragged him out of the kitchen, despite the fact that he was very reluctant on leaving the fridge. "midas we seriously don't have time for robbing people's fridges right n—"



📞 "turns out there's more criminals on the loose. they're called 'merry nightmares'. consists of two females and a male, the male is around 175-190cm and one of the females, who is blonde, is 165-170cm, the other one is unknown. usua—"

"just get to the point please."

📞 "just keep an eye out for a penguin plushie. the youngest is said to like throwing around colourful confetti and hearts too."

"what kind of murderer-"

📞 "exactly. thats why i wanted to explain the whole story, dumbass."

"okay okay, go on."

📞 "'merry' represents the youngest, innocent and childish, who is believed to go by code name 'chuu'. well, ever since recordings have been leaked of a childlike voice laughing and singing 'chuu will come hug you too' at least."

"that's creepy..."

📞 "mhm... 'night' represents the blonde female. she spreads blue and black paint on the cheeks of the victims. she is said to also be goofy and clumsy."

"the more i listen the worse it gets."

📞 "'mares' represents the male, mare as in like nightmares or something. he likes to dance a lot, allegedly. not that much is actually known about him."

"well that's great! we have another trio to fend off. this really is like wattpad huh?"

📞 "told you it would be like this. moon out!"

sunwoo let go of his earpiece and glanced at haknyeon, who was looking around for clues.
"midas, it's go time."

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