#6 ; the truth

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some may ask, 'why has sunwoo never mentioned his other friends?'

well the answer is simple, sunwoo is avoiding them.

his friend group consisted of eric, hyunjoon, haknyeon, changmin and chanhee (if he is in a good mood, half of the time he's complaining about how stupid the boys are). they were perfect for each other, like fish to water.

changmin and chanhee were seniors while the rest were juniors. and to be honest, sunwoo had the TINIEST crush on chanhee. it's only tiny, i swear! he doesn't know why or when it happened, but it just did.

the group would hang out every day, any day. their bond was strong, and everybody knows that. it's strong enough that they would forgive each other a second after attempting to rip their throats (don't ask).

since sunwoo got those letters, they seem to be.. off. their conversations wouldn't have that same playful aura that it used to have. it felt weird to him, and he didn't like that. or maybe it's just him ruining the mood?

whatever the answer is, sunwoo needs to fix that. and soon.

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