#5 ; the lies

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the next day, sunwoo woke up to his loud ass alarm like every other day. he threw his phone on the floor, groaning, like every other day. is his phone okay? who knows.

his heart had that empty feeling again.

is hyunjoon missing? surely not. its not like his heart can predict the future—


sunwoo lazily reached for his phone, keeping his legs in the warm covers. just as he turned his phone to the screen, the light of the screen attacked his eyes.

he let out a small wince before squinting to turn down the brightness. he was able to see a notification from 'cathyunjun'

2 members

sorry wwoo
i cant mmkae itth todday
somerbodyss controllingh mee
[message deleted]

oh okay
i was hoping we could go today
are you okay?

[message deleted]
ywah im fine
dont worry about me
the ac is on so its really cold innmy room
my hands are kindanshaking

right right
see you at school

being left on read felt weird to sunwoo, especially if its hyunjoon. he tried to think nothing of it, but he couldnt help but be worried.

notice me ; sunkyuWhere stories live. Discover now