Chapter 6.1

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

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Chapter 6.1

 Just take a deep breath, Anna, relax! Just, keep up the act, and don't loose face. This is something that is indescribable important, don't mess up this one single time.

I plastered a natural expression onto my face, an expression that screamed 'innocent', and turned around to face the person who possible "knew".

"What are yo...'' I didn't get to finish my sentence.

Strong hands gripped my shoulder, or, they felt like they were really strong, but also quite feminine. Someone's breathing hit my face as they yelled furiously to me, not only was it clammy and warm, but this person seriously needed some mouth water cleansing or shit like that!

No, focus Anna. But I was close to puke by the disgusting smell coming from the other person's breath. Okay, it's getting hard to keep up the act.

"You know what I am talking about!''

Uhu, it's a person who is close to me, not good. How can I tell her that she should start brush her teeth or something?

"No!'' I protested, feeling rather unsure.

As discreet as possible, I twisted my head to the other side. I hate other people's morning breath; it's just so gross!

But back to the main topic. This is not good. Does anyone else know about my relationship with Michael? She opened her mouth again, making me cringe back, and spoke.

"You promised to send me the essay you wrote, the one who meant the world to me! But instead you totally blew me off! Cameron told me that you purposely didn't send the essay yesterday.''

I let out the breath I had been holding without knowing, and with shaking hands I pushed Victoria's hands away from my shoulders. It wasn't that easy, strangely enough, she was determined to keep holding me in the same death grip.

"Yeah,'' I laughed, my voice was trembling slightly, but not so much that Victoria seemed to notice.

"Sorry, I totally forgot, it wasn't on purpose!'' I needed to reassure her, it was kind of stupid of me forgetting something important like that.

Victoria scowled, clearly not buying my story, but I had seriously forgotten that I was supposed to send her the essay yesterday. It's not like she reminded me anyway, a text would have been fine. She had her left hand on her hip and with just a headshake; she turned around and left me.

I could hear her faintly mumble 'wonderful' under her breath and she did just spare me one second and last glance, before strutting inside of the school again.

I struck out with my arms in completely hopelessness, staring daggers filled with anger after where Victoria had disappeared inside of school. 

Great! Now everybody is angry with me, how wonderful. I huffed, sending some more angry glances just to everything this time. So what, I forgot the essay, she got no reason to hate me because of that. I understand she is a little bit angry; she really needed the essay, but is it really enough to hate me? What is up with all my dramaqueens friends? 

"Oh, just kill me now,'' I groaned loudly and stomped my feet, my arms wrapped themselves around me to keep some of the warmth I needed.

I am officially friendless. 


 Thank you for reading my story!


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