Chapter 7.2

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

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 ~ Chapter 7.2

Hours went by and Michael still didn’t return, and I was soon very bored with just watching TV and lying on his soft couch. Believe me, just lying on the quite inviting couch and being lazy is very lovely, but it was nothing to watch on the TV. My index finger were slowly starting to get numb my hitting the shift button on the remote so many times, and I settled down on MTV where some old Sweet sixteen show was playing.

In fact, I was getting so bored that I eventually started on dinner. Something I do rarely, since from the moment I was born I’ve never been able to cook anything edible. In the end I always end up burning it too much or making it too raw.

My mom and brother always complained when I made dinner a couple years back, my father was the only decent enough to pretend it tasted good. @Pfft, no wonder he disappeared on Sundays to eat dinner with friends. When I was sixteen I decided therefor to not bother anymore with making the Sunday "family" dinners.

Though, sometimes I wish I could be a perfectly housewife and cook food and make perfect dinners to Michael. For example, on our first valentine’s day, instead of staying home and cook something romantic to him, we decided to go out on the sea with his boat. Even though the day was perfect and totally romantic, with him cooking dinner on the boat and us cuddling on the roof the whole night, it still made me feel bad that I wasn’t good at being the typical girlfriend.

Of course, men can serve us girls, but a lot of girls actually like to do something for their boyfriend, and I can’t since I suck at everything. Nah, not everything. But everything that has to do with household and stuff like that, when my mom and dad was together we used to have nanny that did all the work for us.

Yeah, my brother and I are pretty spoiled. That happens when your parents is filthy rich. My mom from being a successful lawyer and my dad from his big company that works with selling various extreme sports equipment that is both secure and looking nice at the same time.

I was finishing with putting the last dish on the wooden table in the dining room and putting some of the flowers from the window onto the table, when I heard the apartment’s front door open and close soon after.

By the sound of the person way of taking off his shoes I knew it was Michael. It is weird how I can easily tell that it’s him just by his way of taking off his shoes, it kind of shows how much time I spend at his place.

The glass cabinet in the hall shrieked when he most probably opened it to hang his jacket inside, and I waited proudly for him to come and see what I had done.

The food I had prepared was slightly burned at the edges, since I forgot to put a timer on when I putted it in in the oven… My pathetic attempt on making lasagne was disastrous; whom would I be kidding saying it was fine? It just wasn’t burned on the edges, but the whole bottom was most likely black and just ash.

I pretty much suck at making dinner…

But the thing I am good at is decorating, and Michael’s modern dining room was now looking clean and more organized. The white walls didn’t make everything look so depressing now when I had put some flowers around in the house, and I had changed the position on numerous paintings because they didn’t fit where they were already hanging.

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