Chapter 10.1

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

All rights reserved.


  Chapter 10.1


The feeling of waking up with a foot in my nose wasn’t what I usually woke up to. As I moaned in disgust and rolled over, away from one of the girl’s pink painted toenails. Cameron stirred besides me; however, she was soon deep into a new slumber. My hand scratched the back of my head, grimacing in annoyance; my hand was easily getting stuck in all the small knots I had gotten during the night.

The room was cold and I shivered in my oversized t-shirt, it smelled strongly of Michael and I couldn’t stop the urge to call him. Tiptoeing out of the eerie silent room, I slipped into one of Cameron’s huge bathrooms, locking the door behind me and making sure it was locked.

I hadn’t forgotten my phone and stared down at it with bubbly nervousness as I found my contact list. After nine months of being together I still couldn’t type his number by heart, I’m so bad at numbers it’s embarrassing. My breath hitched as I waited for him to pick up; meanwhile I studied myself in the mirror, trying to release the knots from my hair.

“Yes?” his voice was groggy and I smiled when hearing his voice.

My heart was filled with fluttering butterflies as I spoke.

“Hey,” I chirped excited.

“Anna,” he said simply, sounding alarmed.

“What are you doing?” I questioned, looking at my slightly purple feet.

“Sleeping,” he said. “Where are you?”

I scoffed irritated, but realized he couldn’t see me.

“At Cameron, I told you,” I laughed at his silliness.

I knew I was acting like a suck-up princess to him, normally I would want him to give me the apology, but knowing Michael he’ll believe he did nothing wrong and then we will fight again. The normal pattern. I’m scared that we’re fighting too much lately, it’s must be the tension of hiding our relationship. We're spending too much time together, it's must be that which makes us argue like cats. 

“What about Jason then?”

“What about him?” I shot back. “I’ve told you Michael, I’d never want anyone besides you,” I whispered the last part, knowing oh-so well he’d warm up as if a thousand Cupids had hit him with an arrow.

“Good,” he muttered, and I smiled of the satisfaction I heard in the small word.

“I love you,” I teased.

“I know,” he chuckled.

“Say it back, jerk,” I scowled, but bit my lip to not laugh.

God, making up with Michael make me all giddy and happy, it’s almost like I fall in love every time we get back together again. One day my heart won’t be able to hold all this love for Michael, I swear I need to get some frustration out, sexual frustration. He got me hooked on his body, god, I couldn't wait for tonight. 

“I love you too,” he says, seriously this time. “I need to watch my cousin’s daughter today too. I’m sorry,” he continues after a short pause.

“What?” I say outraged, my jaw hitting the bathroom sink. “Sunday is our day!” I protested angrily.

“I know,” he says, trying to calm me. “But she needs me.”

“Michael,” I whine. “I’ve planned a surprise for today, now you won’t get it.”

Maybe tempting him is the option?

“Anna,” he growl, like literally growl. “My family business is more important than us having sex!”

If we made up, it hadn’t changed anything. We’re fighting again. I understand that sometimes things come over others, but Sunday is the day where we take our time to be with each other. Not the hasty and desperate time we always have the other days. Besides, we got together on a Sunday. Throwing away our Sunday makes me hurt, no matter how pathetic it is.

“What is your cousin name then?” I target.

I’ll fucking Google her!

“What?” Michael burst out like a balloon blowing up - a little mock-laugh escaped him. 

“I’m not trusting you if you don’t tell me her name, for all I know she can be your wife!” I accused, knowing that exactly an accusation like that would trigger Michael.

“Don’t be stupid Anna,” he says deathly, like a threat.

However, I ignore it.

“Why shouldn’t I be?” I shriek loudly, stomping my feet. There goes the bad habit. “I know you’re hiding something from me, just admit –”

“Annabelle?” a voice calls out from the other side of the bathroom door, and I freeze. “Is everything alright?”

For once, I had completely forgotten where I was.

“What is it?” I hear Michael ask loudly into the phone, but I put it on my shoulder as I call out to Cameron’s mother.

“Yes, Mrs Summers, I’m sorry for disturbing,” I called out, grimacing when I felt the embarrassment burn in my cheeks.

Great, now everybody knows I have a lovers’ quarrel with somebody.

“That’s good honey, I was just checking,” her voice fade slightly as I hear her walk away.

I let out a breath I had been holding without knowing, taking the phone to my ears again.

“You’re hiding something from me, if you tell me her name I’ll forgive you,” I said, defeated by the mere thought of him hiding things from me.

Everyone is allowed to hide something, but not things that ruin or damage our relationship. That’s just wrong. I fumbled nervously with the end of my t-shirt, listening to Michael sigh deeply.

“Anna,” he started, hesitant. “I need to go,” he said, followed by a click and then nothing.

I stared wide-eyed at the phone, not believe he just did the ditch on me like that. Blinking away the stinging tears I stumbled out of the bathroom, a lump in my throat threatening to come up.

Sad and crushed I walked into Cameron’s room, only to be met with wild excitement. All of the girls was applying their makeup, fighting over Cameron’s clothes and eating all at the same time.

Terrified I dodged a shirt Cameron threw at me.

“Put it on,” she demanded playfully. “We’re getting Jason at the airport!” she squealed.

A smile crept up on my face. At least I have my friends.


Okaaaay. I really don't want to write anything, because I don't think I have any fans left! But, I felt so bad for those who've started reading my stories lately so I'm trying to complete this one.

I understand everyone if they have unfanned me and don't read my story, I wouldn't either! I'll try super hard, but it's not exaclty easy for me. I write a book and it's kind of what I want to write about + school, friends and stuff like that comes in the way. 

However, I WILL try!!

Have a nice day :) 


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