Chapter 3.1

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

All rights reserved.


Chapter 3.1

 I looked into the mirror at my own eyes, the blue in them shone in the dim light. I admired them a little more, it's no secret that I am really proud of my eyes; they must be my best feature. My lips pulled up into a smile and I kept staring into the reflection of myself, slowly I studied every detail at my face. Could somebody see my discomfort? I don't want to be here at school today. What wouldn't I do to just be with Michael now, in his apartment and just us two alone and nobody interrupting.

I will be seeing him in just minutes. That thought made me happier, but then I remember whom else will be in that class.

Just the thought of coming face to face with Cameron is making me nervous, she is the best friend you can have and the worst enemy. Usual she can hate me in long periods of time, because of the stupidest things and if I've done something she doesn't like. She is a lovely person when you get to know her, and sooner or later we will be friends again. I hope.

"Oh, it's you,'' a voice said from behind me, soon followed by the sound of the bathroom door close.

Ah, speak of the devil.

Cameron stood with her hand on her hip, her eyes measuring me up and down like I was some filthy rag she looked at. I rolled mental with my eyes; I knew it all was just an act. This was how she would pressure me into doing what she wants, or in this case, tell her whatever she wants to hear. After our fights, we would spend hours making fun of the way we acted towards each other. 

"Yeah, it's me,'' a sigh escaped my lips before I could hold it inside, but Cameron clearly didn't notice.

I ran my hands through my hair to ruffle it up a little, Cameron walked over to the sink beside me. Her shoes made loud noises for every step she took; I almost shook my head by the sight of her. Yeah, she's my friend, but still we don't have the same looks, and defiantly not the same style.

Cameron is just a few inches lower than me, but with all the tall shoes she uses she is always as tall as me. She looks exactly like one of those stereotype cheerleaders you see in movies, almost like the copy of the blonde, dumb girl in 'Mean Girls'.  When she stands beside me we looks like day and night, not that, that is a bad thing, that's how we like it. How we became friends is impossible to answer, I think we just has a lot of common interests besides cheerleading and blonde hair.

"Why won't you tell me Anna?'' I knew what she was aiming towards.

"Because Cam, it's not important. Can't we just forget it all?'' I turned around while I spoke I tried my best to put on my most adorable puppy eyes.

Cameron bit her lip, her eyes flashing from my puppy eyes and back to something behind me. I knew what she was trying to do, not look at my eyes since she would most probably give in.

"Tell me,'' she half-whispered.

I lost my concentration by hearing her voice, she sounded so... hurt. Like if she would never forgive me if I didn't answer her, and that must have been the reason his name slipped my tongue.

"Mr Walker,''

"What!?'' she shrieked, I grimaced.

She glared at me wide terrified eyes for at least half a minute, before grimacing in disgust.

"Mr Walker! He's a teacher, and old, and a teacher! '' She continued to shriek higher and higher, so high that I was sure that sooner or later we would have a flock with dogs here.

"He's not that old, only twenty six!'' I defended him immediately; a scowl was already visible on my face. Cameron's mouth hung open; it looked like she was struggling with finding words to say. She was opening and closing her mouth a lot, before she wet her lips with her tongue.

"Was that the only thing you heard me say? What about the fact that he is a teacher!''

"Seriously, relax Cam,''

"You are out of your mind! You know that? I am going to kill him. He is using you for his own sick, perverted fantasies!''

Tears welled up in my eyes and threatened to spill over, but I blinked them rapidly away.

"No, he's not Cameron. He loves me and if you tell anybody, then our friendship is over!'' I yelled.

Cameron face showed the shock she felt, it must have surprised her when I screamed. But how can she say something like that? He loves me! The sound of the school clock made us both jump, I glanced behind me towards the bathroom door and suddenly it hit me like a train. Anybody could have heard us! It doesn't take a genius to figure out what all this was about; I said his name out loud. Oh shit.

"Perfect timing,'' I heard Cameron growl under her breath. "We need to talk later Anna,''

I nodded without paying any attention to Cameron. All the way towards our next class Cameron cursed Michael, said awful things I hated to hear, but I couldn't speak back to her. We both entered the classroom at the same time and my eyes instantly lay upon him. He stood with his back towards us and was speaking to the class.

Were we late or something?


It doesn't really end here, but this is my third upload today! And since i won't be writing the rest of this chapter now, I made it into two parts. Maybe it will be done till tonight, I still got two hours on me.

Edit!: i changed Michaels age from twenty four to twenty six, because I thought it needed to be a little disgusting! Just kidding, you'll probably understand when the story finish!


Sneaking in the dark  (student/teacher relationship)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora