Chapter 9.1

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

All rights reserved. 


Okay, a short note: Everything is changed in this chapter, got a little carried away when I wrote the first version of this chapter! I'll explain briefly at the end. 


Chapter 9.1


I suddenly realized that my pocket was vibrating, and I couldn't help to feel slightly panicked. No one knew where I was at the moment, and if it was the person I thought it would be then I was in big trouble.


I fished it quickly out and didn't bother to check the caller ID, like I usually do.

The other person on the phone, who just had to scream loudly and probably breaking my eardrums soon cut off “Hel-” my greeting.

"Where are you?" the person's voice sneered.

My mouth opened to answer, but yet again I was too slow for the other one.

"Let me ask again. Where the hell are you?"

"I'm at Cameron's house, like I told you I would be," I answered shakily.

Cameron's eye turned round like two dinner plates when she heard my shaking voice, and gestured towards the door while she asked if she should leave the room. I shook my head no and rolled my eyes, just to make the sudden tension in the room lighten up.

"You weren't there when I called last night! How can you do this? I thought we were over this. And I mean with all the sneaking around and partying, Annabelle. The last year has been going so good, but now you're suddenly acting so weird and strange again!" my mom took a deep breath, before she started yelling at me again.

"Your dad and I divorced because of you, you remember? After all, you and John promised to stop all these secrets and fucked up things," my mother's voice got tired at the end and my anger took fire, as if my mom's rant had been dry grass and I was ready to burn it all down.

"You thought it would be over like that, just because you and dad got a divorce? If you and dad had just been more like parents than our banks, John and I would never have been this way. It was always your work and stupid drugs that stood in the spotlight, we were just some useless kids back in the mansion. We needed help, not a divorce," my voice was loud and I could see shock plastered on Cameron's face, she looked like she didn't want to hear anything of what I was saying.

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