Chapter 7.1

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla 

All rights reserved.


Chapter 7.1


Somehow I ended up taking the good old bus alone to Michael's apartment. Someone's parents had arrived just minutes before he was supposed to leave and demanded to have a meeting instantly.

The motive behind the meeting was unknown to me, not that I cared, it was certainly just some regular thing every parents wants to have or something along those lines.

Anyway, I was seated beside some really annoying, and young girl. With her looks I would have guessed that she was around twelve, maybe even thirteen. Something that made me wonder how girls at that age is actually acting like they are twice the age than they are.

Just that thought brought me back to how I acted like I was some ninety-year-old woman, huh. The girl talked non-stop in her bright pink cell phone and was the whole time breaking out in some pretty dramatic gasps and whisper-screams.

All in all, normal or older people would have been annoyed by her attitude, but I couldn't care less about that, in fact, it was her way of occupying the whole bus seat with her big bag that annoyed me. My butt was half on and half off the seat and to make it worse my knees continued to bump into the guy thigh that was seated beside me on the other row.

Not only was he drop dead gorgeous, with the usual rough bad boy look, but he still managed to have something that made him look smart and like the more down to earth type. Not to mention that he smiled every time our body parts touched, being an innocent - hah - girl, I blushed easily like the silly high scholar I am.

Of course Michael is the only one for me, but it doesn't hurt to look at some other guys. Besides, they're just there as eye-candy, nothing more.


I fished the keys to the apartment up from my jacket pocket, in the process one of my gloves fell out of the pocket and I crouched slowly down to pick it up. My thighs were still sore from the last time I had been at Michael's place, and I doubted it would go away soon.

My fingers were already trembling in coldness and some of the skin that was exposed to the chilly air had turned slightly blue, it was with great pleasure that I closed the door behind me and welcomed the warmth in the big apartment.

Obviously he had lighted the fire up before he left this morning, and I slipped off my shoes before strolling into his living room. Feeling the warmth soak through my damp clothes, drying them instantly.

Papers and magazines were splattered all over the living room table; from the sporty magazines ones to the nerdy ones he likes to read. I can't believe I am dating a teacher, even a nerdy one who still likes to keep his shape up, a couple years back that thought would have disgusted me. Well, that with he being a teacher of course.

Now when I remember back in time, I am actually quite embarrassed. Few years ago, I was a shallow and ignorant girl, who only thought about living my life in my big house with my rich parents. That was before they decided to leave each other, crashing and turning my whole life upside down.

Even though the thought of being with a teacher was a disgusting idea a couple years back, I will never admit it to someone else, which will be like to give in to Cameron. Somehow that sentence sounded wrong, in a way...

My first priority was to do my homework, not only am I behind with maybe around two weeks, but I also think my grade is dropping. That will mean no awesome graduation gift from my mother; she's very strict about keeping good grades at all costs and work hard at school. Note her lifelong education.

Therefor I found Michael's small office; as he likes to call it, always emphasizing the 'office part since I on the other hand call it for the little closet. Not to mention that it's in fact really a closet, the things that occupy the small room is his desk and chair, plus a tiny flat screen TV on the wall across the desk.

It's a nice place though, and a perfect place to do my homework. Of course I can forget to mention that it has a perfect view over the whole city, since he have one of the newest apartment that is built upon the hill right above the city.

When its night we can sit in his living room and watch the city lights shine into the room from the big windows, it's one of the things I love about his apartment.

Just after half an hour with my homework I was beginning to get bored with mathematics, feeling, as I instead wanted to rip my hair off than to continue. Like the other day I began to spin the chair around because I was bored, dizziness swept over me in an instant and I stopped before I would puke. Disgusting yes, but quite possible with the speed I had been gaining.  

My foot got caught in the desk drawer when I tried to stop my spinning, and the drawer got pulled out a couple inches. I cursed because of the pain caused by the drawer and clutched my foot, waiting impatiently for the pain to stop.

When it finally did my eyes fell upon the open draw and the items inside. It was nothing special, just some thick documents that surprisingly gave me a weird vibe. I couldn't describe the feeling that occupied my mind; the documents just gave me a wrong sensation of curiosity.

On the top of the first page a name, I suppose, was written down with Michael's curly handwriting. Students sometimes don't know what he is writing on our tests, since his handwriting is like something you see in historical books.

I leaned a bit forward, to get a better look on the name. Evita. The name didn't ring any bell, in fact, I've never even heard about anyone called Evita. It sounded quite exotic, maybe Spanish? And the final question, who is this Evita?

I shook my head rapidly when a hair strand fell into my eyes, chasing any thoughts about the document far away from my mind, and closed the drawer.


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