Chapter 2.1

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

All rights reserved.


Chapter 2.1

"Eww, yesterday's clothes. Really Anna?" Cameron commented when I took a seat besides her.

 I shrugged and stole some chips from her. 

"Hey!'' she snapped playfully and swatted my hand away.

"But seriously Anna, when are you going to tell me who you are seeing? It's kind of boring being let out in my best friend's life,'' she glowered.

"You are not the only one,” I reasoned, giving her a pointed stare. "Nobody knows."

My eyes swept around in the big cafeteria room looking for someone special. God, yesterday was mind-blowing and I wouldn't mind us repeating what had taken place at his apartment. Disappointment seeped through me when I didn't see the familiar tall frame I had been looking for.

Cameron pushed a stray of her long blonde hair behind her ear; she was really not that blonde but always bleached it that way. One day she'll get noodle hair like Lacy in my math class, does she care? Of course not, Cameron is as deaf as she is blond. Personally, I would never think of doing something like that to my hair, I like how my hair is not blonde like most girls want it. Not that everybody has blonde hair, but still.

Even though I am not blonde, having dark brown and very long hair too is still making guys look at me with interest. I like being different from others when it comes to appearance, perhaps not the way the Goth kids like to be different but you get my point. And well, I guess that was what he found attracting about me.

"I don't understand, I am you best friend! Why on earth can't you tell me?'' Cameron clearly didn't want to back off.  

"Because Cameron,’’ I said while standing up from my seat, making the whole attention from the others who were sitting around the table turn towards me.

"I don't trust you to keep a secret, sorry, but it is the truth. I need to visit the library, I'll see you guys later." with that I turned around on my heels and started making my way out of the cafeteria. Hearing their hushed voices talk about me.

I still felt their burning gazes into my back; it made my skin crawl remembering that I just had been extremely mean. Gosh, why couldn't I have a normal relationship I could tell everyone about? Cameron didn't deserve my harsh words, and if I know Cameron she'll think the same as me. She’ll wonder what crawled up my butt to be such a bad friend. Fuck, now we're going to have a fight because I'm too stupid to just not pretend I didn't hear her question. She won't let this slip, no way. Cameron will either want to be enemies or friends. 

My fingers were shaking slightly and my footsteps were the only sound in the hallway, nobody seemed to be around in the hallways at this time - too busy spending time with friends in the cafeteria. I knew whom I had to see now; we had done it before in school. Why not do it again? Screw all everyone else; I need somebody to talk to.

He looked up from all the papers on his desk when I entered the room, his eyes staring at me with confusion before turning into something I hoped was happiness. Just by the sight of him made the love I have for him swell up my whole heart, and it started beating visibly faster. I smiled and closed the door behind me, hearing the lock click when I twisted it around.

Sneaking in the dark  (student/teacher relationship)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon