Chapter 10.2

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

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 Chapter 10.2

Seeing Jason again after such a long time was refreshing. My mind screamed at me to run up to him like all my other friends, but strangely enough, something was missing in my behaviour. Sure, seeing Jason again was a total awesome thing. Nevertheless, my mind was still occupied with Michael’s s odd and kind of rude behaviour when we talked on the phone.

Even when Jason’s arms circled my waist and he muttered ‘I’ve missed you’ in my ear, I frowned because I worried if Michael would be upset if he saw me hugging Jason. For no apparent reason, Michael hated Jason, which is ridiculous considering Jason is younger and gay. He’s no threat to our relationship, and yet I get the ‘I’m worried about us’ speech every time Jason and I hang out.

Cameron was bouncing happily around Jason, the small crush she obviously had on him was shooting out of her like invincible bullets. Jason’s laughter echoed inside the airport, and even though I felt like I was being there with them, I wasn’t. My hands searched in my pockets to see if I had my cellphone with me, which I didn’t. All in one, the bliss of seeing Jason again was drowned by the nauseas worry I had for Michael dumping my sorry ass.

My relationship was kind of toxic I –denying at the same time, realized. Although I knew this, instead of worrying about that, I chose to worry about how to fix it. There, in the airport, I really just wanted to take a plane away from my confusing life.


“You should have seen the beautiful architecture they have there! It’s fabulous!” Jason exclaimed when we all were comfortable in Cameron’s car.

It’s a miracle no one knows about Jason’s sexual preference. Besides being a real boy, he’s also so girly sometimes I feel like hanging out with Cameron. Everyone thinks he’s kidding though…

“I don’t care about architecture,” Victoria muttered, in a good way.

“Well, I do!” Cameron chirped and glanced at Jason with an endearing look.

“So…” Mini trailed off. “Where are we going?”

“I’m having a few guy friends over, you can all come if you want,” Jason said, looking back at Mini and I, in the backseat, with Victoria too of course.

“Yeah, that sounds good,” Cameron, said nonchalant, although the excitement in her eyes were evident.

“You know what,” I started and leaned forward in my seat so I was closer to Jason in the front seat. “I think I’ll just go home, I’m fighting with my mom again and I just need some time for myself. Can you drop me off Cam?”

“Sure,” Cameron replied slowly, the car had gotten uncomfortable quiet.

Inside I felt like such a bad friend, Jason had been gone for months and here I was running away from the group. However, it’s school tomorrow, I’ll have plenty of time being with Jason.

“Thanks,” I said thankfully, I didn’t want their silence to get to me.

Jason turned in his seat again, facing me.

“Something wrong?” he asked nervously, his eyes jumping around at all of us in the backseat.

I arched an eyebrow; I just gave him a valid excuse, didn’t I?

“Besides fighting with your mother,” Jason explained.

Swallowing annoyed I shook my head.

“No, I’m sorry Jason. I just don’t feel too good and you know I’m not a good friend of your guy friends either.”

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