5K 120 23

A/N: im gonna use £ and english spellings in this because im english- ik its set in LA but im sorry-

I ran upstairs, the world still in a haze of emotion, adrenaline and exhaustion. I grabbed by bag and jumped out of the window and on to the balcony -this being my usual exit and entrance- I knew how to scale the building well and quickly landed safely onto the street.

it was dark when had I woken up... 3am? 4? 5? I don't know. I'm running and I'm running fast. I shouldn't be alone out here at night, but, its safer than in there. where could I go? do I know someone I could stay with? no of course not how much money do I have? maybe £15, my emergency money. 

Where's the nearest motel? past the upper class neighbourhoods, then left I recited to myself from memory. 

the houses go past in a blur behind me as i put all of my effort into running as fast as i can.

"Almost there" I say out of breath seeing the the houses get bigger and more modern.

My legs begin to stumble, they ached like shit and I know I'm not going to be able to run for much longer.

as I felt a sharp pain shoot through my leg i stop running and continue at a walking pace.

I'm exhausted and in pain as I stumble my way through the neighbourhood.

My leg stings again and I lean myself against the nearest tree hoping to take the weight off of it for a moment.

I start to feel my eyes droop and try my best to fight it, I cant fall asleep, not right now. I have to keep walking.. " i've got to get to the motel" i start talking to myself now in a tired whisper

"ive got to keep..." i do, genuinely think i start walking but quickly realise I wasn't as I fell against the tree , my backpack softening my fall as i fall asleep at the base of the tree.

A/N: should i try to make these longer? i have no concept of these things

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