Chapter 1: Danger

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     As I watched Mrs Realty Pull out the baby from Mrs Ives Belly I saw her tiny little feet ready to kick, but the Kicking was over since we pulled her out of her moms Belly. The nurse picked up the baby and put her on the table and cleaned her, while She started to open her eyes she was beautiful, cute and perfect can I have my baby now sir "Uhm not yet Well what do you want to name her I say scratching my head. I want to name her "Jane". now why can I not have my daughter. we need to run some tests, what kind of tests They will make her be healthy so if she Ever gets sick we know what to do. As I shut the door while carrying the baby tight in my arms, while the mom was screaming from the top of her lungs I then snap my fingers calm her down "how, do you want me to do that. Did I stutter or did I make myself crystal clear. N- I mean yes. As I watch him walk pass me I start walking to the nursery and set the little baby in the cradle
"Perfect I whisper so I don't wake up Jane
*knocks on door*
come in Mrs Ives says
Hello My name is Gabriel Donald, we need you to calm down
I am not calm, I want my child "Ma'm Remain calm no no never I will not let my child go while I hear her voice start cracking.
I want my child, I want you to stay calm as I start putting a hair gear on "Breathe ". He whispered as he touched her face. As he started to put the gear on Mrs. Ives As she started to scream "Jane Jane".
What is going on, what are you doing to my wife
"Surgery". But she is having a kid not a tumor or anything crazy. "It  will help her stay calm, so she don't have  to go to the emergency room or anything horrible. "Where can we get our child".
Playroom. As the walkie talkie started to make weird sounds "what is that sound the dad says starting to clinch his fists up real tight.
*footsteps* knocks May I speak to you Donald, I want to go bye mr Gabriel if you don't mind
I don't care it is your last name and you will obey now come here as the footsteps start to receding.
"I told you, not to tell her where she is
" I-  I didn't know where she was, so I just assumed.
"You're fired as he started to choke mr Gabriel
As black scars  start to go all over Gabriel Face
"I told you, please let me wife down and get that stupid, dumb gear off my wife as the door started to open
"We will update y'all, and bring her home". Thank you! And also don't come back we will bring her back we promise,
"Will my wife be ok  Yes, Positive
Where is Jane "were bringing her, to your house but you're not allowed back ever again!!
Yes sir, I just really want my daughter.
"I never lie, I always make my promises
as I watch Mr. Ives pushing his wife in the wheelchair.
I don't like him, I have a bad feeling about this.
I know but we will get her I promise, Jane will come home I don't think he is going to take our child
"I guess".
*loud bang*
What was that she says
Let me go check stay here
No we're married and that's our child we need to stay together not me and you being separated
"Look you're my wife I would never leave you, that day we got married and had Jane and Kali was the best day and I will bring her home, do you promise you will stay here
"I guess but be safe. As I kiss his cold lips.
*door shuts*
Hey anyone here!!
*loud sound
Who is there? I know someone is there
Hey excuse me do you have a permi-
*opens mouth and jumps on Daniel Robert *
Oh my gosh, I need to save Jane What is that a pacifier JANE'S
"Jane, Kali  is it me your father Jack Ives!
*baby cries good girl!
A rainbow room? That's what Terry always loved a Rainbow 
"Jane, is it really you Kali it that you". He says rubbing his arms t-t they took them we need to go now as he started to carry the two babies out the room. 
Oh there is the baby carrier let's go.
Terry will be so happy!
"Excuse me where do you think you're going.
Sir, this is a misunderstanding, these are my children Kali, and Jane
"I need you to trust me, but you won't trust me and you went into a room without a worker you don't have a permit to be in here
See ha ha there is no guards
Look behind you
"So long sucker, You won't be getting them back
*jacks points the middle finger At Mr Brenner
"I'll take that as a Yes".
"Jack". Excuse me Ma'm we need to talk
What do you want you ruined everything, I want my husband back and so well as my kids.
"You want to play strings here ma'm.
No sir I truly don't
"Then don't mess with fire, now we're going to talk right quick and if you  keep talking we're going to have a argument I'm not trying to be rude I have my opinions now I know you want your husband and your kids and we are going to help you get them. But only if you trust me no, I told you not to talk do you understand
I- yes I understand I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, and I trust you sir.
Thank you Ma'm, But the thing I really wanted to talk about is NOT to come here you and your family aren't allowed except the kids.
"Why but there my kids".
We ran some tests, but I wish I could tell you but I don't want you to tell anyone.
"Okay I promise I won't tell anyone.
No I need you to trust me not me trusting you.
"Thank you sir for taking this long I really appreciate it I just want my children M- "no it is not your time I've being going through a lot of stuff right now, and I just want to be able to talk straight to you now I'll trust you with my kids, but I'm not letting you take pull control. Ma'm, I understand, I had a girl named Audrey But she got killed.
Well some guy took her, but really they took power of Audrey!
Put Audrey in some sleep
"When can I have my babies back".
A week, but I just gave birth to them.
We need to make sure there healthy before  they get sick, and take control exactly like Audrey.

To be continued!
Hello, everyone I worked really hard on this story a lot of writing as you can see I will be posting the next part soon! But I'm not impersonating, I wanted to make a story like why they took Jane, I know there coming up with in season 4 I do all of mysteries, romance, horror, romance, miraculous, drama, Harry Potter as well as stranger things please vote! And I hope you liked it!! And remember I didn't copy Stranger things. And wanted Terry Ives (Eleven/ Jane Eight/Kali to have a father
-Dear @wafflestrangers

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