Chapter 15 : upset as water

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I was not trying to make this gay or make anyone hurt ! I know this might be confusing, I wanted to make this weird I guess.. I'm not gay, I'm a she: her writer!!  Thanks for supporting <3

You shut your mouth immediately!! My girlfriend is the best girlfriend I've ever dated!!

" you're joking don't call my boyfriend rude names either..

Then don't call my girlfriend rude things, she mumbled ...

If y'all don't stop we'll both break up..

what, Aubrey says confused

what I say confused

We are tired of y'all arguing. We are fine!!! Just quiet, or we'll leave right now!!

exactly Danny says, softly..

fine.. we'll stop

I went over to the Kitchen to grab some Paper Towels to wipe the blood off the floor..

I'm sorry, Jamie!! I should've realize, will you forgive me..

I guess but if you kiss me..

WHAT! I'm not Gay, I'm engaged!!

just do it, she says wiping her pants in blood..

babe, just do it! So we can leave, I want this day to be over!!

Jamie, your cheating!!

atleast she is hotter than you're ugly foot face, she said loudly..


You'll regret that. Why don't we go home, if you get what I meant!

' your just weird.. I don't want to date you anymore Aubrey.. she says pushing her hand away from her stomach..

' ouch, she yells!! Ow, ow call the police, now please

' what!

We look at her in utterly confusion!! As we see blood tripping down her skinny perfect legs..

I'm sorry, Aubrey! It's my Fault..


Do the Kiss, For You! Not for me.. I've been cheating on you, bready!

' who's bready we mumbled..

" my teddy bear, he has a girlfriend named Jjo Qr

cute' we say in proud voices..

" I want to break up Jamie. If this is the last thing I'll ever do..

" I'm sorry! I don't want to kiss, it was a joke!

' it's not a joke to play with people feelings you know, especially mine.. maybe your not the perfect girlfriend I wanted.. it's not like I wanted to propose to
You tonight.. but I feel like more than you as brought us further than we did... I found out you love a guy, Danny! I've read your journals, journal after journal..

I've brought a piece, to share tonight!

I was going to expose you.. tell all your lies, but I guess it's over!!

" Read, she said you won't regret it'

okay fine, she reads flipping the page

Dear Diary, I've wanted to tell Aubrey something the day I've met her.. I've used her more than money, our love!! I didn't feel prefect enough.. one day I found a tinder notification pop up it was Danny... I've waited the perfect days, hours anything to get my hands on him!! I've planned the whole night to waste him for my precious Sally.. she is my world, I wanted to tell Aubrey the news.. but she didn't feel interested, into telling her the news!! Me and sally have been dating for 6 in a half months!
I felt this feeling I should cheat.. Aubrey deserves this after looking into a girl, named Freddie Farmer.. she's been looking at her perfect image of perfection looking every glance at her, when I found out she loved commenting on her pages, and liking them! I wanted to be someone else.. I didn't want to be gay anymore, I wanted to be with someone who made me felt enough then more than sweetness!!

I wanted to tell her, I've made this in the past I've erased a lot of pages.. this was a long time ago..

as, she started to cry..

" you cheated. I knew it I wasn't enough for you' or more than enough!

" baby, that was a long time ago it was from 1964 the day I've met sally ! I thought you loved Freddie

" she s my idol

" and you didn't want to be gay you loved another boy she added

" a boy I purposely hated but wanted to make jealous.. my new journal is here..

She handed Aubrey..

Dear, Aubrey! I loved you for more than I could ever imagine. You've made me more happy than I've ever felt your my dream my cry bottle. When I need you make me happy, and always will..

Love, J a m i e

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