Chapter 11 Run

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  It's been a month since that day, I can't believe what has happened. Me and Danny almost got in an divorce, but we worked things out..

I took my vitamins, when my stomach started hurting like really really bad..

I couldn't figure what had or had been going on..

Danny wasn't here, so it was hard..

As soon I was about to get off the couch. Blood starts leaking, everywhere..

I went to go tot the bathroom, or if that was the best thing to do..

I finally got home? It's been exhausting.. I couldn't wait to tell her the news!!

I've been looking for her for hours, still couldn't find her. We have 3 upstairs, 1 basement.. a secret room.. I still couldn't find her. I finally did fine her in the 2nd upstairs bathroom..

"Babe you okay, why is the couch red"

Babe, I'm bleeding.. and not from an injury.. I've never knew this but I've been pregnant the whole time.. I never knew nobody told me.
I've been focusing on everyone but myself

" i'm sorry love..
I got a new job!! I can't wait to start our new family. Especially with you. I truly do love you!!

oh shoot. I have an ultrasound last week, I missed it.

dang, can't you reshoot it??

I think so.. I'll "reschedule one right now..

babe, it's night.. I don't think the doctors will  let you have an ultrasound???

is it hurting, like an emergency..

I guess,

uhm, you take care of that. While I go do some work?

what kind of work?

Work, like business...

oh uhm have fun doing work then!!

Be out of the bathroom, in 15 minutes I have to use the toilet.

" you do"


"Feel free to use the toilet now.. unless you want blood all over you.

" I don't want your blood..

Did you think about there's other toilets in the house??

I want my butt to be on the toilet seat you've sat on..

" Disgusting, and ew!  I ain't letting you sitting On the toilet. If you don't want me my blood?

"Babe I was only joking, I swear "

eh, ok bye. I actually got to use the bathroom unlike you..

ok, I'll text you when I'm actually using it..

Ew, your doing that thing where you play on your phone using the toilet aren't you??

"No,  definitely not how do you know..

"cause I'm way smarter than you..

"yeah right

To be continued...

The Two Lost SistersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon