Chapter 6: Blossom

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Personal information!! I made Hoyeon Jung Chung. As the their aunt!! I wanted to make this cool and easy. Yaoki Manshein

Me and The Girls decided to go to McDonald's. The only happy place there.
The seats we're all filled with people eating their burgers.

We ordered the burgers. And looked around for a spot. Sadly, all the spots were filled.

'Ma'm find a spot or leave!!

' I will I promise. "Ma'm you may sit here with me'

Thank You!! So much it means a l o t

You're welcome. And I have a question

yes anything she "exclaims. I love your kids they're so cute, not be rude but why is the father not here's?

We separated. She exclaims"

I'm sorry. And you are ?

Mrs Ives.

What about you, Mrs. Ives said in a "clear voice

Yaoki Manshein. I'm pretty sure your my Aunt aren't you ? ? ?

I am. I remember you? You were at My Family Dinner last year!!

I know, because I'm your Niece.

I'm sorry. But where's your parents.

Uhm. I need to go, sorry "Mrs Ives

As I pull Yaoki hand' You can tell me anything? I promise

I swear"

Fine. My parents are not here with me anymore" my mom lives on the north side, my dad is dead ...
My brother he's in a adoption,

why are you wearing blue with shapes.

I got to go' sorry.

"Tell Me, I swear! I won't tell I just wanted to know'

Again" it's Squid Game!! You have to force your life to play, you get money for playing.
There are games you may play. If you get in trouble.
Which may mean fall. You die*

ooh" how to you join.

Ma'm no you don't need to do this.

Sorry, Babe! I'm drunk " as she throws the drink on her leg.

Awhhh" she screams.

Are you ok' Mrs. Ives"

no. G- e e e t  a, aaa doctor

' I can't . Mentally I think your unstable like really really unstable' I need to get an doctor, do I? ?

-t a keee my kids! Never come back, move far away.

I don't know how to be an mom.

I said Do it' my street number is 1458 Oakland Shoal Ahasteri  09854

Yes Ma'm.

"okay. Everything is up stairs, you may need.. get everything and move all the way to West High AnniE    Joan 

Remember hide you identify

I will' Bye Mrs. Ives.

bye. As I  grab them. And take off,

I finally get to the house' it's a complete utterly mess ?

' I try to help pick up stuff, but somebody comes to the door.

Excuse, me your bills there overdo.

I know' I'll pay them.

"you aren't Ives'

I know that. Im her niece, I'm babysitting right now for her. She stabbed a drink up her leg. And needs surgery " might take months or so,'

" name'

Addison Ives'

Your not Addison Ives. Hahah! Just kidding:

Have a good day, remember bills are pa-

As she slams the door. She opens the door and says.
" I know the bills are paid.

Kinda rude, shutting the door. But I understand!!


As another person comes,

Hey! Your water bill is paid.

I know. I'll pay' thanks bye

I ran up stairs and see a man with a gun' guns on the floor everywhere.

Ma'm' where's Mrs Ives?

I'm her niece , Addison Ives..

To be continued...

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