Chapter : 28 The Unknown NutCracker & GingerBread Kids

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I think to myself, I hope they have a Christmas.

"But they'll be babies still! I complained

"Babe, what's the hold up.

" I want the kids to actually see their presents. Not be a baby, and just glance.

it's okay Yakito, they're grow one day, he added on


he stammers, so Yakito, you wanted kids. Jane and Kali are young they're going to be toddlers very soon, but for further notice let's take day by day, not hear by year.

"okay, okay I'll stop. But let's take a walk.

"you just gave birth, you're joking,

no, I'm not. It only takes 5 minutes.

No more like 5 or more days".

ugh? I know that. Gosh, Danny you don't have to be so over protective! She yelled

all of a sudden we got an call.

who is it? She said continuously'

Hospital, I mumbled

"Hosptial, at this hour.

"She felt like it was a scam, so she hanged up.

but it kept ringing and ringing and so on.

I decide to answer it.

"It must be that important to keep calling us back over, over.

hello, you might be wondering why we are calling you. We're the hospital, as you can tell. You're sister came in, I think it was Jennifer? So, sorry! Im Amy Green's the doctor. How are you?

good, thanks.I'm Danny Yakito's girlfriend?? But keep going.

she added on' y'all can pick her up.

"we can.

well, she didn't have anything to cautious to work on. Turns out we found an g^n Bu113t in her left arm.

I didn't use a gun. I swear

well, what happens,

I used an kn1f3 a fake one, I swapped it out. I thinking I sh0t her I didn't mean to. But a g^n, absolutely no.

We found a girl too, in the house her name was

"Jennifer, Yakito mumbled?

what, Jennifer??

My sister. Is she okay.

Turns out it was p@ss3d out.. nothing bad..

"so you didn't use kn1f3 then what was it, she nodded, crossing her arms

I bring the phone down from my ear.


i just want to know they are my sisters?

okay, it was fake. I was joking... I didn't k1ll you're sister.

"So if it wasn't a kn1f3what was it.

A gun, the lady continued..

it's a g^n she added on. They're both perfectly fine. Jennifer p@ss3d out. You're sister Rachel is fine too. But is down from a g^n $h0t. Surprisingly, she will make it.

Thank you doctor, this means A lot.

I'm letting you bring them both, they must get away from each other. In case they're the victims. If it happens again, unfortunately they will be going to jail. My job is to protect them, try to help families bring their child, family or friend back. I want to make that understandable. No confusion, correct?

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