Chapter 12: behind the scences : Car Crash

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The car flashes away..

I run into a door located on Eysie Grocery Store.

The car comes back

A guy jumps in front of me

Yakito, it's for our own good it was fun while it lasted,

"Tell your mom, siblings, I'll miss them dearly!!

The car flips, and kills the poor dad

*rest in peace*

A old man with grey hair lays there with blood all over his face.

I look in his pocket to see a card and a cell phone.

I decided to  use the cell phone.. but sadly, didn't work.

all it needed was a password??

Ah, shoot how was I going to use the cell phone if I'd don't have a password. Of course it needed a password!!!

" I type random things in the keypad...
I then, mysteriously pick up a card onto my hand..

It reads 'My Little Girls'

I put "My Little girls' into the keypad!

it worked!

I panic strangely, I look into this picture of two girls smiling their face off! They look absolutely cute, Sitting in His lap.

Smiling, Cute!

but wait, aren't those the girls I babysit ... I sat in puddles waiting for action, are those the girls I rethink"

I wanted more clues + hints..

I needed more identification, proof..

I looked through all the tabs, nothing! I realized I didn't check camera roll, why not give it a try..

The first picture i see his him + the babies in his lap, crying

wait.. I think

Isn't that the same photo on his screen' can't be?

I try to mess around with the picture for a couple minutes or So.

Behind the screen I see the babies crying.

Excatly like In the camera roll

maybe it's a edit or a Live Photo,

they must be in danger; they're must be somewhere or someone, something they may be..

I scornfully look into his apps, trying to find more info.

I found something called "Girls Tracker" must be those poor girls.. you get it?? Nope, uhm okay.. never mind.. anyways,

i look at it very closely, I see a notification pop up, it days "haha, you got tricked!! Look behind you'

This must be set up or something..

I try not to scream nor call the police, since the phone was in my hand!!

I look behind me, I see my father, standing happier than ever..

"Baby, I need to see the phone.


I do, my Angel.. please for your daddy.. I beg you!!

I was going to hand the phone to him, when I see, his dark black silver hair, I look closely to see a bald CAP

"Your not my father"

Indeed, I'm a robot.. so check the phone, keep going or not..

The battery was starting to get very low!!

I see 2 address pop on the phone( El Comrandeze all the way in MEXICO!!

baby's real home Jacksonville Lab..

wait, why is their home at a lab, never mind I'll figure it out..

okay, it now says at 204 campbell dilla viaques, in syllaw

To be continued...

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