Chapter 7: Cherry Blood

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Meanwhile At Happy Burgers, Mrs Ives has been sitting in the same spot since Yaoki left.

' Nobody could see Mrs. Ives because of her condition. her eyes are rolled back into her head
Back at Mrs. Ives House, Yaoki saw a man in the Baby's stool, he walks up to her and ' says

' Addison Ives, We want to see Mrs. Ives. I know, I know they're 8! The car you go first I need to change right quick, no wait wait at the door.

See you then Ms Addison!
I walk into the closet, I see Black Jeans & A shirt that says "Lie'
Secretly, I hid a gun behind my back. I hid a gun behind my back. I walk down to him, " go to the car
As he walking closer, I shoot him. Blood goes onto the cat blood on my shirt.

I quickly run inside and grab the kids and walk past him. ' precious blood, horrible person.

As I step on him, more blood comes out.

I got in the car. Buckle the kids in their seats. And head to the "mysterious house'
*2 hours later*
gps : hello! Yaoki Manshien, take a left, right, left, straight u turn, right, 2 more lefts, straight right turn left.

We finally made it to the house. The house looks like old, vintage like cottage.

we unpack, and pet the kids rest for a bit: while I wait for the pizza to warm up.


Yaoki Manshein, I'm having a party this week can you come. Also college tuitions are payed this weekend*.

1/&3872 -
Unfortunately, I can't come in out of town!

13_2! - Didn't I see you outside of school ????

Un06379 - Fine! I'll tell you.

I went off our chat. And add my favorite people my boyfriend Danny, Emory.

-another notification-
D3nna1231 - Hey, babe! I miss you.. let's hang at my house. If you know what I mean 😩☺️

- d3nny1231 & n3(3216)
hey, I need to tell y'all something important.

N2(3216) - This must be important you've never added us in a group chat together.

$n0wfl@k3 - Call me right away!

Adds, $n0wfl@k3 & d3nny1231 n3(3216)

yaokimanshij - I need to tell y'all something important if y'all tell I won't be your friends, and that goes for you too Danny, if you tell I'll kill you. Fr.. I will 💀💀💀

$n0wfl@k3 - come on tell me you know I WILL NeVER LIE! IvE BEEN YOuar BAeST FRiaEns

N3(3216) honestly, I won't tell. Cause im your BFF!! BFFs never tell lies!

yaokimanshij- baby, u ok!

d3nnt1231 - sorry love, I totally ghosted. Anyways what we talking about??

yaokimanshij- well my aunt (Mrs Ives) in the hospital rn, because she shot a glass cup up her knee. And needs a few months or so to rest. And I'm babysitting her kids. Jane and eight. But I've never been a mom, so I don't know how to control kids! So I need help, I've sent you my location..

d3nny1231- hey gotta go talk to u later!!

n3;3216 - yeah. That was weird

meanwhile off the phone * ' I feel bad for Yaoki. I've got to help her.

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