Chapter 23: Penny The Hairless Dog

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I know Yakito has been been  dying to have this pet,

Every morning I would hear the same thing over, over continuously!

"Penny, penny, penny, penny, over and over, please! Babe please, I beg you!!

My answer would be no, always no.

She stopped talking about it, I'be never heard her not do it! I decided to surprised her. When I see the dog isn't there..

I couldn't believe it. Her dreams are now going to fade.

I wanted to blindfolded her but no, I couldn't now..

I see penny in a women's arm.

"Ma'm is she yours" I said softly..

no, I'm darla. I take care of the pets, she reliped"

oh great! I want penny for my wife please.

She has A lot of medical bills, " you're sure you want her"

Indeed, " I feel incorrigibles inside.

You're Danny right!!

"Yeah "

well I remember you-from high school,  I'm darla carhatlisp

oh you,

"We're actually selling 3 dogs, penny which you almost bought

duke, pen

" oh nice. But I'm not ready yet for 3 dogs,
I reliped.

" there going to be put down tonight.

Sir, please I beg  you she contributed

hey, darling are you forcing a customer to buy these worthless dogs.

" no, aircovery.

Sir, he corrected angrily.

Sorry, you don't have to buy them, but if you want.

"No, I'll take them"

Oh, Gracious! You're so sweet, she asked

I get them, take them to the desk

When "aircovery" yells quietly

"You're certain you want these worthless utterly disgusting dogs.

yes? Sir. I do "

Didn't I say I warned you. He continued

I take the receipt from this raggedy dumb, crusty hands.

when darla runs to me

She puts her hand in a fist

What are you doing I spit"

She mumbled softly "@bu$3d

oh! No,
I couldn't believe, I take her outside


I need to her to check the dogs, I yelled.

He nods, "bring her back.

As she walks out the wind howls her skirt lifts up.

Drool starts coming out of his mouth.

Crap I yelled

Disgusting she cried,

I look down and up her body to see red bumps all over her body head to toe!

I give her something to change a white shirt with ice cream on it with a hairless dog  on it.( like penny)

"Cute, she said.

I sit there in Shame why would Yakito do this, I cried softly.

I look into the windows the door opens,

Give me back my girl, he yelled.


Well I ain't yours anymore she said curving her hips, hands on her bonnet seeing her turning slowly revealing  her tummy..

We  run into the car backing up loudly

Promise me, you'll come back. I know it

Sure won't, she yelled

To be continued..

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