Chapter 17: Tesrea the Pot Lover

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I look up to see a wig, it was Jamie!! What are you doing here..

Im sorry, she pulled off the wig and showed it To the man..

I see Danny outside pulling by his hat down..

Baby, He screams

I run outside, to see him  crying..

our house it is damaged,

Don't worry! I am looking at a new one!
For us and the kids..
He kisses my head softly..
The next morning,

As I took the gum out of my hair..

from the girls shoving things in my hair!!

I got an call from Danny's Ex... why would she call here??

hello! This is Teresa Anderson! I'm Danny's Ex?

I know, I know Danny has told me A lot about you.. lol

I hate you, and your petty ugly boyfriend

" he's not ugly I swear..

eh. Okay, I hate you!

I don't care. Bye!!

I hang up, and go back to bed

To see danny on his phone,
On Instagram posting a cute picture of me and him!!

To My beautiful fiancé, I love you more than ever! Your the most beautiful, pretty, gorgeous person I've ever met!! I love you a lot! Happy anniversary!!
love, Dan dan <3

The comments start going crazy..

To be continued...

The Two Lost SistersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ