Chapter 16 : My Melody In Piece Of Pie, Heart Defender

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When she runs out the door,

Yakito comes downstairs singing her favorite song

" my melody in piece of pie

" I could be your piece to your pie
It made it feel just right..

You my soap to my wish..

My meat to the wind, I drop you in the box as she feels alright .

She smells like soap in a candy bar, my unicorn friendly dog

soap isn't he doing anything else but wrong'
I feel loved ones that would you like my face
I don't know how long it could be

do you want my gosh jingle rock rock sound sound good
I want your face to my heart, my heart to your beat

I drop down, when soap starts filling the room!! Ahhh, kids, kids! I run upstairs, when I see them in their cribs, blood on their faces

Poor baby's, I got to take you to a doctor, I walked downstairs to see a knock on the door

I open the door,

" hey, hey!! Who are you?

Mrs. Requirla I live next door,
My husband does roofing and housing

oh uhm, cool I guess??

I see your house is in a absolute mess?? Would you like me to go send him

yes, please I smile at her..

Hey, babe! Someone is having a big problem at their house, something is not right? Will you fix it for them?

sure, he mumbled " I kiss him, when he pushes her away from his charming face..

no kisses, let's help out..

uhh, okay

we walk over to the house, to see a car pull up in the driveway..

He walks out and runs to her and hugs her tightly..

I'm sorry. And what happened to the house. He kisses her head lightly,

they walk closer..

" who are these cute babies! They're absolutely adorable!!

they're our kids! We smile

" wait, we have kids he mumbles

remember, Mrs Ives kids she mumbled

They look at us mysteriously

so they are your kids?

Yes, he's a bit crazy right now?

oh, we're going to start..

What happened

Someone was in the laundry machine, or something cleaning( they put it in for 70 minutes???

oh, you might have to move to a hotel! For 2 months, it's going to take a long time to do. He says, it takes a lot of progress... and might take a lot of money required... everything is messed up, we'll pay for your hotel!! We will text you every day to notify you.. name, phone number, bank account

"Yakito Manshien Cjuqakrieklo  bank account SYM, -

He interrupts
Danny Kolpeispe Cjuqkrieklo   K32ghoeodidiwk3

Nice, phone numbers??

690-294-7893 Yakito Manshien,

Danny  602-345-8933

okay, nice!! It's all entered,, your hotel number is

139 Hens Ride Doge dove commons 30456 FreezE RoaD..

okay, thanks!!

bye, they say..

We close the door, I start feeling a tight grab on my throat, the kids drop to the floor.. you're joking, our house.

Wasn't my fault..

I hate you.. I want to divorce, now

You're a loser,
He says choking my neck..

Ow, ow, stop da-

he, stops looking to see them looking through he temple glass..

He calls 911,

A man arrives...

To be continued....

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