Chapter 13: The LookOut

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I start driving off..

I finally arrived to the house, the house looks modernly I guess you could say!

I walk into the house, there's tag that says




" My Little Girls''

gosh, he is utterly obnoxious, completely obsessed.. total creep

why would he have millions of tags in his room.. I think he's on drugs or something worse than drugs..

I look around for a bit..

there's glass everywhere, like everywhere....

I found one picture of his wife Donna Brenner..
I look for the kids everywhere, so I see a door locked.. it took me forever to open it..

, I decided to open the door to see.. stairs, why stairs!

I walk up the stairs to see another door:

You're Joking, completely ridiculous!!

I go back down the stairs get the hair knob open the door.. I see a crib with two babies.. aww my angels

the door bell stars to ring, a women walks in""

"hello" hello, it's your wife Donna.. I decided to work things out.: we've haven't talked in a while, or so.. I love you very much and wanted you to know I miss you.. if you don't come out I will find you.. we will have the best time we've ever had.. I'm not talking about chit tat, I want something better.. something that me $cr3m till I fill worthless drunk, paralyzed
I know you like that fun I'm talking about..

"ew disgusting" i mumbled..

ooh, a door. Should I walk up it.: yes! When I find you I'll use you for a lot of things..

I run over and shut the door..

"ooh, looks like your hiding from Me"

she slams the door continuously..

I decided to hide the kids somewhere safe and far from that evil lady"

she walks in, when she sees me"

we make eye contact..

"Where's He"

I don't know..

have you been making our with him)!! As she pulls my hair..

no, no I swear!! I'm dating Danny my fiancé.:

"Then what are you doing in my house, our house!!

I came to tell you this, I don't like your husband.. we're not friends not dating, not know each other...

He has my teddy bear, and I want it..:

"ugh, fine. Be quick, I'm going to the couch to eat some chips..

she walks down the stairs,

I grab the children. And run out.

To be continued..

The Two Lost SistersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant