Chapter 32

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Karas POV

It's been almost a week now since everything went down with Jo, Emery is still hesitant to call Lena and I mom in front of her, scared she will lash out like she did last time,

It's Wednesday now and I think Lena and I were planning on giving Jo her phone back Friday, I don't know it's still In the air.

We were also talking about seeing if she would want to talk to somebody about her past and her experiences, I know seeing her mom the way she was probably hurt her and was not what she was expecting when she went, she hasn't talked to us about it all either. She says It doesn't bother her but I know deep down it does,

The girls were in their room now while Lena and I were in the living room talking

"What do you think of the idea of getting Jo a therapist?" I ask Lena

"I think... that it could help and we should definitely look Into. I honestly believe that it's worth it to try" she tells me

"I'll look into it tomorrow, call some people to see what we can do" Lena says and I nod

"Thank you" I say and grab her hand,

"Of course darling"'she says and gives me a kiss

Emery came out of her room and climbed up on the couch with us, she laid against the arm of the couch and started yawning

"I think someone is T-I-R-E-D" I smile and Emery jumps up

"Momma! I can spell. I am not tired" she says and Lena laughs

"Yea momma, she can spell" Lena says and I roll my eyes

"Well it is almost bedtime" I say

"Can you read me a story?" She ask and I nod

"Yea come on" I say and get up

"You too mommy" she says and Lena smiles as Emery takes her hand and pulls her along

We both tucked her into bed and read her three stories about she coaxed Lena into the third one

"One more please" she says with her bottom lip out

"We already read one more," I smile

"Momma" she says and I chuckle and kiss her head

"Goodnight Em" I say and Lena kissed her head and we cut her lights out and we walk into Jos room and she was reading her book

" can I have my phone?" She ask when we walk in

"No," Lena says

"How was your day?" Lena ask

"How long am i grounded for? And it was good" she says

"I don't know, and that's good" I say and she sighs

"Yea," she says and gets under her covers

"All your homework done?" Lena ask and she nods

"Yes Ms.Luthor" she jokes and Lena laughs

"Go to sleep" she tells her and she closes her eyes

"I'm trying" she smiles and we kiss her head and leave her in her room and we go back to ours

We both showered and climbed  into bed together, we have been together for almost 3 months now and have had the girls almost 4,

Laying in bed Lena starts kissing up and down my neck moving her hands down to my waist, and putting her knee in between my legs,

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