Chapter 1

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I wake up to a bright light in my face and a cold bed.

'Well isn't that just great', I think to myself, 'He leaves before I wake up. Isn't that mature.'

I get up slowly, ignoring the throb in my lower back.

I search for my clothes and once I have them on I text Kaylee.

I pass all the passed out teenagers and young adults to go sit outside on the curb to wait for Kaylee.

"There you are! What happened to you last night," Kaylee asks worriedly as she pulls up the the curb.

"I'll tell you on the way," I tell her getting into the expensive car. Did I mention Kaylee's parents are rich?

I explain what happened last night, excluding details of our intimate moment much to her disappointment.

Ever since I came out Kaylee hasn't stopped fangirling.

"That d!ck! He could've at least waited for you to get up," Kaylee says frustratedly.

I just nod and look out the window, watching the scenery pass.

3 weeks later

I wake with a start and rush to my bathroom.

I throw my head over the porcelain bowl and throw up everything I ate last night. Which wasn't much considering I've been throwing up for the past week.

My mom and dad are worried about me and have mentioned to me that I should go see a doctor.

My jerk sister Katrina has been gushing for the past 3 weeks that her boyfriend of a year had proposed to her.

Every time I got sick in her presence she just told me to "be quiet." The nerve she has!

There's a knock at my bathroom door and I see my mom looking at me worriedly.

"I think you need to see your pediatrician," mom whispers while rubbing my back.

I just nod because I know I won't be able to win another battle with my mom.

I need to find out what's wrong with me.

I shoo mom out of my bathroom and strip to take a shower.

The doctor's office doesn't open 'till 9:30 so I have to wait 2 hours before we can leave.

After drying off, dressing, and doing my morning routine I check my phone to see a text from Kaylee.

Kay: How u doin' bae? I know you've been feeling awful. txt me :(

Me: hey Kay Kay. I'm going to my pediatrician today hopefully to find out what's wrong with me. I'll txt u l8r

I send the message getting a sad face and a thumbs up from Kaylee.

I smile at the emojis knowing she's sad I feel so bad but wishes me luck at the pediatrician's.

"Freddie! Come down for breakfast! We'll leave as soon as you finish eating," mom yells up the stairs also getting a scolding from dad for being so loud.

I walk down the stairs slowly, hoping I don't get a dizzy spell again. I almost fell down the stairs because I walking too fast and getting a dizzy spell.

The smell of eggs drifts into the air and my stomach does a flop making me rush to the downstairs bathroom.

I bump into Katrina in the hall though... throwing up all over her slippers.

"Y-You! You dimwit! What do you think you're doing," Katrina rages as I rush to the bathroom throwing up again.

"What's wrong Ka- oh my gosh Freddie, baby are you alright," mom asks worriedly rushing to me.

"I'm fine mom," I say taking in a shaky breath.

"You ruined my slippers Fred! What is your deal these days," Katrina yells at me.

"Can't you see your little brother is sick?! Apologize to your brother! I will not have this behavior under my roof," mom says angrily still rubbing my back.

Katrina huffs and says "sorry" then leaves.

"Let's get you to the doctor's. Doesn't look like you can hold anything down," mom helps me up and leads me out to the car.

I buckle up and hope for the best.
Hey guys!!! I want to get to know my fans a little more so here's a few questions!

Q: what's your fav food?
Mine's pizza!!! Pepperoni
Q: what's your fav color?
Hot Pink is mine!!!
Q: what's your fav subject?

Thanks for reading!!!!!!

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