Chapter 8

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I woke up with a stuffy nose, puffy eyes, and a headache. The sun was shining through my curtains and I thought to myself, "I wonder what I'm going to do for my child."

I had been thinking this since I found out I was pregnant. I've also been thinking about how I'll tell Jessie he's going to be a father.

"Freddie? Are you up baby?" Mom asks from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Yea I'm up Mom." I reply getting out of bed. I go straight to my bathroom and relieve my bladder and brush my teeth.

'6 more days till school,' I think to myself as I walk downstairs.

As I walk into the kitchen I see the one person I'm not willing to face yet.

"Freddie, Jessie is going to join us for breakfast this morning. He told me he wanted to get to know you better." Mom says walking into the kitchen.

I nod solemnly and pour myself a glass of orange juice. When I feel eyes on me I turn around. Jessie staring so intently at me that I start blushing like mad.

"After breakfast I want to take you somewhere to talk," Jessie says then adds, "in private."

I nod but am confused as to what he wants to talk about.

-----time skip-----

Breakfast didn't settle with me this morning so I was mostly in the bathroom before I left with Jessie.

I stared aimlessly out the window as we made our way into a suburban subdivision.
He pulled up into a driveway of a two-story home that was painted a baby blue with a white picket fence.

'My dream home,' I sighed to myself at my thoughts. I'd always dreamed of finding my Prince Charming, moving into a suburban home with a white picket fence, and adopting at least four children.

My dream seems stupid, but it was something that made me push forward.

I'm dragged out of my thoughts as my door is opened. I look up and see Jessie holding his hand out for me. Reluctantly I grab his hand and he pulls me out of the car.

"Whose house is this?" I ask him to make sure my mind didn't wander.

"Mine." He responds simply.

Once inside he leads me to the living room and sits me down on one of the couches.

"Do you want anything to drink? I have water, Sprite, orange flavored water?" He questions me.

"Water is fine. Thanks." I reply.

When he comes back I thank him again and he sits on the sofa across from me.

The next two words out of his mouth almost give me a heart attack.

"I know."

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