Chapter 1: The End

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"You didn't lose anything!" Arizona yells, the long-repressed anger and resentment towards Callie finally exploding inside of her.

Callie is rightfully angry about what happened between Arizona and Lauren. Arizona knows that there are no excuses to be made about her betrayal, but she can't bring herself to apologize for her methods of healing; she lost herself in the plane crash that killed her loved ones. Arizona lost a limb, she lost her friends, and she lost the most
important parts of herself. It doesn't seem right that Callie wants to label herself as the war-hero.

"I did!" Arizona screams, defeatedly dropping her arms to her sides.

Callie and Arizona stood on opposite ends of the lounge, silently watching each other and waiting for someone to break the silence. They are both broken-hearted and at a loss for words, faces flushed and stained with tears. Callie is through with the questions and the crying; all that's left is anger.

"Apparently I lost you," Callie mutters, folding her arms across her chest.

Arizona tries to hide it, but the expression of heartbreak is evident across all her features. Callie can't bring herself to regret her words even though it's obvious that she hit Arizona where it hurt.

A few tears slip down Callie's cheeks and land directly above the ring pinned to her scrub top. Callie cannot even imagine what she had done to deserve this; she contemplates the countless decisions she made since Arizona and the others were rescued. Callie helped her through months of physical therapy and adjustment, spent several sleepless nights monitoring her for signs of pain and discomfort, gave her privacy, support, and the utmost respect. Callie had done everything exactly right; the only thing she can explain Arizona's behavior is the amputation, but if Callie hadn't made that decision, Arizona would've died.

Callie and Arizona didn't speak anymore. Arizona stares at the ground, finding it painfully difficult to look at her wife. Callie takes one last look at the woman she once loved and disappears from the room; truthfully, she's unable to exist in the same space anymore. Callie feels ill; as if she was going to be sick had she stayed in the room any longer.

Callie stormed off towards the hospital's daycare center, where she knew Sofia would be waiting for her. At this time, there were only a few kids remaining; they were the ones who belonged to doctors and nurses with no other form of childcare.

Callie frantically searches the room for her daughter. In the corner, she spots Sofia quietly working on a coloring page. As Callie approaches her, it takes Sofia a few moments to register that her mother is here for her; it's been a long night for everyone.

"Sof, baby," Callie calls, crouching down in front of the table.

Sofia looks up, her eyes immediately lighting with joy. She rubs the sleep from her eyes and abandons the coloring page she's been diligently working on.


"Hey, sleepy girl," Callie greets, the tiniest smile gracing her lips; it was a smile that only her daughter could bring out.

The daycare supervisor, Meghan, rises from her desk and walks towards Callie and Sofia. The woman looks tired and worn from the day's activities.

"Hi, Dr. Torres," Meghan says, smiling down at Sofia, who has yet to tear away from her mother's embrace. "I'm sure she's going to be a little bit cranky. The poor thing wouldn't sleep and kept asking for you and Dr. Robbins."

Callie nods, somehow managing to smile back at Meghan when she really wants to cringe upon hearing Arizona's name. Meghan excused her silence, understanding that tonight must've been unimaginably tough for the surgeons.

After Meghan walked away and tended to one of the other children, Callie buried her face in Sofia's hair; she can't help but reflect on everything that happened in the past twenty-four hours. Callie feels her throat tense and her eyes sting with tears; she doesn't want Sofia to see her cry, but she can't help the sobs that rack through her body.

Sofia hears her mother's whimpers and wiggles away. "Mama, what's wrong?"

Callie quickly wipes away her tears and reaches for a tissue, trying her best to compose herself for her daughter's sake.

"Nothing, sweetheart. Mama's okay, I promise."

Sofia frowns in disbelief. Nonetheless, she falls back into her mother's arms and squeezes her as tight as she possibly can. "I love you, Mama."

Callie strokes Sofia's hair and smiles gently; no matter what happens, she will always have her daughter by her side.

"I love you more, baby. I love you always and forever."

Callie can't help but worry about the life she'd fought so hard for; she met Arizona in a filthy women's restroom at Joe's, completely unaware of how hard she would fall for her. The fun-loving, roller-skating pediatric surgeon who seemed to radiate light and optimism was the one who ended up breaking her heart. They worked together, almost died together, and started a family together. Callie never thought they would end up here. Was this really it? Was this really the end?

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