Chapter 17: Time

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Arizona POV

Time was passing rapidly. I was now five months pregnant, well into my second trimester.

Callie and I had built our relationship back up. We were sleeping in the same bed, working together at work, and had healthy arguments about the baby.

Sofia had started preschool a month ago, which she loved because Meredith and Derek had sent Zola to the exact same one.

At the moment, Callie was on the phone with some realators. We had decided to get out of this small apartment, and buy a house.

One with a yard where our kids could play.

I was on the couch, curled up in a warm blanket, eating straight peanut butter which I loved to do since I was a little kid.

It was ten in the morning, and for once, both of us weren't on call at the same time.

We finally had alone time together. It was ten in the morning, Sofia was at school, and I was paying little attention to the movie I was watching on Lifetime.

"Really?" I heard Callie squeal outside

It startled me.

"Okay. Okay! Yes! Uh-huh, okay. I'll be there around noon. You too," she hung up the phone.

I watched as the door to the terrace slid open.

"What's going on? Why are you so happy?" I asked, pushing myself off of the couch.

"We got the house!" she squealed.

My eyes widened.

"The one on Bagely?" I nearly screamed.

That was the one that I picked out. The one that I favored.

She nodded as both of us screamed.

I ran into her arms.

"He said we could go see it whenever, but I scheduled for noon," she said.

"We'll go pay the first months rent, and then start moving in," she said.

"How soon can we move in?" I asked.

"As soon as we sign the papers, and pay the first months rent," she said.

I smiled.

"It's perfect"

"It is," she agreed, wrapping her arm around my waist. I kissed her cheek.


Noon eventually rolled around, and it was time to go see the house.

As I showered, I couldn't help but smile at the bump that my stomach was forming into.

And for five months, twenty-weeks, it was pretty big.

When we pulled into the driveway, I saw the full house. It was huge. I couldn't believe how big it was.

A man waited at the door for us. Very formal looking.

"Mr. Dillard," Callie greeted.

They shook hands.

"Mrs. Torres?" he asked.

"Yes, this is my wife, Arizona Robbins," she said.

"Hello, my name is Tom Dillard, you can both call me Tom. It's very nice to meet you both," he said, shaking my hand.

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