Chapter 8: Worry

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Arizona POV

I had barely gotten any sleep all night.

I laid on the living room floor, scared to death, worried to death, and overall just anxious.

I had no idea where my wife and daughter were.

They were gone, they just packed up and left without even telling me? I knew that it was obviously Callie's decision to leave. But why in the hell would she do this to me? What I did was a lot worse, I know, but this, this was just unjust.

It's one thing to leave without telling me, but she has my child with her.

A mother should always know where their child is, no matter what.

I had called Callie a numerous amount of times, left her several texts, and her voicemail box was now full.

Most of them were me screaming, some crying, only a few were calm.

I eventually collapsed on the floor, howling for my family.

At one point in the night, I stopped crying. I felt like I had cried off a hundred pounds.

I even called the hospital last night, but no one knew where she was. I went there around eleven at night after they all said they didn't know where she was

No one that I particularly knew was there, besides Meredith and Derek. I asked them, but they didn't know where she was either.

It was ridiculous. My wife and child just disappeared. Out of thin air. Their stuff was gone, and they were gone. How did this all happen so fast? Nothing calmed me down lately. And the only thing that reminded me of my sanity, that kept me alive, was our baby.

I took the ultra-sound out of my pocket, and stroked the picture of our daughter or son.

"We'll be okay. We'll be okay... we will be okay," I whispered.

And then I started crying again to no avail.

I remembered falling asleep around three in the morning, and getting paged around five.

So I got up off the floor, and went to the hosptial, which brings us up to now.

I was in Meredith and Derek's room, with the baby.

"So, you're sure you have no idea where she is?" I asked.

They both shook their head.

"The last time I talked to her was yesterday morning. When we were all in here to see Bailey," he said, glancing down at his son in his arms.

"She didn't tell you she was leaving or if so, where she was going?" I asked.

"No, Arizona, if we saw her or Sofia, we would definitely tell you. But maybe she just needs time," Meredith said.

I sighed.

Tears filled my eyes. My head fell down into my hands.

"Arizona, I'm so sorry, " Meredith apologized.

"For-for what?" I sobbed.

"It's not your fault, it's nobody's fault but mine. I'm such a freaking screw up," I cried.

Derek rushed over, and wrapped his arm around me.

"You are not a screw up, Arizona," he said.

I cried for a very long time in that room. I eventually left. Again, searching the hospital, asking every doctor, nurse, resident, intern, in Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. No body had an answer. I was starting to give up.

"You fight for them. Fight for your family, for your kids. You fight, and you do not give up," April's words echoed in my head.

She was right. I had been fighting, though. And now my family was gone. I didn't know how much longer I could fight, and frankly, I didn't know if I even wanted to anymore.

I went into an on-call room, and threw myself on the bed, careful of my belly, and just stared at the grey metal holding up the bunk beds.

I counted the squares, watched the clock tick, traced the back of my hand with my finger, rubbed my stomach, and did many pointless distractions to pass the time.

Fight for them, fight for your family, for your kids. You fight and you do not give up. You do not give up. Do not give up.

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