Chapter 25: The Sacrifice

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Arizona awoke late that morning, presumably due to the lack of sleep she had gotten in the past week. She looked to the nightstand and spotted a handwritten note leaned against her framed picture of Sofia.

Arizona took it between her hands and studied the header. "Read when you wake up." She immediately recognized Callie's delicate penmanship. "Arizona, I left for work around four and you were still sleeping. I took Sofia with me. There's breakfast waiting for you in the fridge and I'll be home by eight tonight, hopefully. Have a good rest of your day. I love you. - Calliope."

Arizona read the note in Callie's voice and smiled. Though she often missed her wife and daughter, she'd grown quite fond of her alone time. Her due date was approaching rapidly and lately alone seemed to be a common theme.

Arizona pushed herself out of bed, her limbs still aching with the smallest of movements. The babies were putting unbelievable pressure on her lower-half and even standing came as a difficulty. The pain today, however, was different. A dull ache had started in her lower abdomen and her muscles felt tender. She decided that it was only hunger pangs and went in search of the breakfast Callie had left for her.

As usual, it was raining outside. Water silently fell against the windows and cast dismal shadows upon the kitchens. Arizona crossed over to the refrigerator and opened it to see a plate wrapped up in foil. Another note laid on top. "Good morning, sunshine. I made your favorite- hope you like it. Love, Callie."

Arizona smiled and felt her heart swell in her chest. Callie never failed to make her swoon. As she peeled the foil back, her mouth began to water at the sight of the perfectly stacked pancakes with blueberries on top and whipped cream dripping down the sides. Her cravings were still in full effect.

Arizona didn't bother warming the dish up and instead dove in straight away with a fork. After her first few bites, the ache in her abdomen returned. This time, it was accompanied by a searing pain in her uterine region. It startled her- Arizona dropped her plate and it shattered against the wood floors.

Her breath hitched in her throat and all she could manage was a sharp gasp. The fire was spreading through her belly and before she could make sense of the situation, she crashed to her knees.

Arizona could not stand despite her efforts. The pain had paralyzed her- leaving her unable to do anything but clutch her protruding stomach firmly.

In the movies, when a character was faced with death, they would talk of the world fading before them. Arizona finally understood the feeling and how much of an understatement it truly was.

The pain momentarily subsided and Arizona questioned her ability to stand. Before she could even finish the thought, however, she felt wetness pooling between her legs. She was only thirty weeks pregnant. It couldn't be- it was too early.

Arizona reached down between her legs to inspect the liquid and when she pulled her hand away, it was coated in blood. She paled at the sight. It was a while before panic fully set in, Arizona being too focused on the pain to notice her anxiety. Blood began to collect in a sizable puddle on the ground beneath her.

When the babies started kicking, Arizona was brought back to herself. They were not the light flutters she was used to. They were fierce kicks, one after another, relentless. It was almost as if they were trying to claw their way out of her womb. If Arizona was in pain, then that very well meant her babies were in pain, too. She would not lose another child.

Another kick came from within her and Arizona swore she was bruised from the inside out. The pain intensified and she was now gasping for air between wails. She dug her nails into her stomach and screamed out.

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