Chapter 28: After the Storm

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I woke up a few days later. Four  to be exact.

I, as well as the babies, were doing fantastic. They were getting stronger every day.

"When can I see them?" I complained to Callie for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

She laughed from aside me."Soon. Connie will be here soon with them,"

I folded my arms across my chest. I wanted to see them now.

I sighed impatiently as more minutes passed.

"Zona'," Callie said, shaking me gently.

I turned my head towards the door where Connie was wheeling the incubator that held our son, and where Alex was wheeling the one with our daughter.

"Oh," I gasped. They were just breathtaking. The most perfect tiny humans I'd ever seen. They had a lot of IV's hooked up to them, but that didn't matter.

All that mattered was that my children were delivered safely into this world.

"How you doing, Robbins?" Alex asked, flashing his world-famous crooked smile at me.

I smiled at back him. "Never better. And by the way, thanks. You know, for cutting me open. You saved them,"

He smiled, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Anytime," he joked. "I'm just glad you're all okay,"

"I owe you, Alex," Callie said before fixing her gaze on the babies.

Alex smiled at her, and then in all sincerity, he said, "You don't owe me a thing. I'd do it any day. You and Arizona, you guys are my family,"

The next few minutes were quiet as we shared an unspoken touching moment.

"Alright, enough. I want my babies," I disrupted the silence, and clapped my hands together gently.

Connie laughed as she very gently took my baby boy out of his incubator, and placed him in my arms.

Alex copied that action, and handed our daughter to Callie.

I smiled down at the boy in my arms. He was fully awake and alert, while his sister was sound asleep.

"Hi, baby," I cooed, laughing softly as he grasped my finger with his small hand. "I'm your mama. Yes, I'm your mama. I love you so much, little boy,"

His little lips turned up into a smile, and he giggled.

Tears of joy sprang to my eyes. I leaned my forehead gently against his.

"She's got your eyes, Arizona," Callie exclaimed from aside me.

I looked over to her, and waited for Callie to shift so I could see her. I hadn't even been aware that she had woken up.

"She does? Really?" I asked, giddy with excitement. Not that I'd ever put much thought in to it, I'd imagined that they'd look like Mark. His daughter, Sloan, and even his grandson, both resembled him greatly. It was uncanny how much they looked like him. Sofia looked more like Callie, but she resembled Mark enough to know that it was his daughter.

Callie nodded. Neither of us had to speak to know that we wanted to switch babies. I handed our son off into her arms gently, and she laid our daughter in mine in exchange.

As soon as she was transferred into my arms, she stirred slightly, and began to fuss.

"It's alright, baby, it's alright. Mama's here," I whispered to her.

Like her brother, she reached her small hand out and grasped my finger. Only her grip was much harder than her brother's was.

"She's strong," I laughed.

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