Chapter 15

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"Heyyy!"you hugged erik and invited lyle in.
"Heyyy" erik said smiling while lyle walked in smiling.
You all go up to your rooom, erik runs to the m&ms
"DIBS"he exclaimed
You and lyle laughed
"They were special for you silly" you giggled
Lyle went over and took a piece of popcorn
"Mm, nice and buttery" he said while chewing
You lay in the bed with erik on pillows while lyle sits in a chair to the side.
"What movie" lyle said with a mouth full of popcorn
"Maybe (whatever you want it to be)" you questioned
"Sure" they both said.
You turned on the movie while lyle got under a blanket and you and erik cuddled.

About a hour later movie halfway done

"AND I DONT HAVE M&MS" erik CRYED (not really)
"Just watch the movie" you said
You cuddle up with erik and he puts his arm around you. You look over and see lyle watching, he looked a little off.
"Are you okay" you mouthed to him
He nodded and went back to looking at the movie. You didnt know what to think you didnt want his feelings hurt.

Movie ends

The movie has ended and erik is asleep with his head on me while lyle is in a daze as usually staring at the tv. You look over sharing at lyle you mouth again
"Are you okay?"
He nodded of course and put a assuring look on his face, Without moving you slide and get a box of candy (whatever you want) and slide it across the room to him. He smiled and mouthed
"Thank you" you both didnt want to wake erik up. You really wanted lyle to one over here and sit with you. You slowly slip out of the bed and let erik have it and go over and sit with lyle in ur chair (big chair). You both just talk for a bit about random stuff not loud tho.

About 30 minutes of talking
You and lyle are getting pretty tired its about 2am at the moment you both are really getting comfortable and lyle slowly places his hand over top of yours while yall are talking. You are both laughing and your so tired you are falling asleep.

Minutes later
You fall asleep, lyle slowly puts the blanket over you and is about to get off the chair so you can have it. You grab his arm and pull him back. He kissed your forehead you slowly get closer to him and smile. You open your eyes and look at him, it was a weird silence and then you just giggled and fell asleep.

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