Chapter 32

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You and Erik had both woken up and are just sitting on the side of the bed talking when you hear a knock on the door,
"Come in" Erik says looking at the door.
"Is something wrong " you ask Lyle,
"No no but can I sleep in here tonight" Lyle asks.
"Yea of course is Haleigh asleep in your room" you ask,
He nods and sits on the couch in Eriks room.
"Let me get you a blanket" you say walking to Erik's closet,
You grab a blanket and give it to Lyle.
"Thank you" he says,
You walk back over to the bed with Erik
"Well we should all be getting back to bed" Erik says.
"Yea..." you say crawling on top of his chest,
"I'm sleeping here tonight" you say.
"Okay" Erik chuckles,
You all fall asleep.
Haleigh POV
I wake up in lyles bedroom with a blurry vision of last night, you get up and walk out of the door way, you walk over to a cracked open door. You peace inside of it and see Lyle asleep on a couch and you and see a tiny bit of Erik's hair in a bed. You give the door a little knock. You see Lyle slowly start to wake up, he turns his head and sees you and gets up.
"What time is it" y/n groans,
"Morning"Lyle says closing the door.
"Did you sleep good" he asks you,
"Yea I did and look.. I have a blurry vision but I'm sorry about last night" you sigh.
"It's fine no worries" he says,
"Uhm soo...are you busy today" he asks.
"No not really I have a dinner to go to tonight with family but I'm free till the evening" you say.
"You want to spend the day here all I have to do is pack for New York" he says.
"That sounds fun" you say.


I wake up beside Erik and see Lyle gone, I assume he is with Haleigh.
"Erik...wake up" you nudge him,
"Fine..." he says rolling over looking at you.
"Hello" you giggle
"Hi"he gives you a tiny kiss and gets up.
He heads out to go to the bathroom as usual and you get up and stand there for a moment and then go out and head downstairs. Lyle and Haleigh are standing by the stairs talking, Erik comes running out of the bathroom
"I HAVE LEFT OVER LASAGNA" he runs downstairs.
You start to laugh and look over at Lyle while he shakes his head at you.
"Morning Haleigh did you sleep good" you smile,
"Yep" she giggles.
You wink at Lyle and go downstairs, you see Erik heating up his lasagna.

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