Chapter 24

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You are all driving down the road with the music up just chatting,
"Hey imma drive around and see where the party will be at for reference" lyle says.
You nod and keep listening to the music, you drive by the house.
"Wow it looks nice" you say staring at it.
Erik nods,
"It does" lyle says looking out the rear view mirror.
"Who's house are we staying at tonight" Erik asks,
"Up to lyle if he wants his own bed or my couch or bed because me and Erik can just sleep together" you say.
Lyle smirks and looks at you and Erik, you blush and laugh while Erik looks down and blushes with a little giggle.
"Y'all are so funny he laughs, but I really don't care who's house" he chuckles,
"Erik decide" you sigh.
"I don't know flip a coin" he says,
"Fine" you answer grabbing a coin out of your purse.
"Your house tales mine heads" you say with the coin in your hand.
(I really flipped a coin for this)
Your flip the coin and it goes in the air and lands on the seat beside you,
"Andddd it's TALES" you laugh.
"Sounds good with me, our house then" lyle says turning into the drive way. You all get out and head in, lyle goes into his room while you and Erik go into his room.
"Imma get into some pajamas" you say looking in your draw you have at his house. You put on your pajamas and go to the bathroom with your toothbrush and toothpaste, you knock on the door but lyle is in there so you wait a minute. He comes out and smiles at you, you walk in and start brushing your teeth. Someone knocks at the door,
"Come in" you mumble brushing your teeth.
Erik walks in,
"I need to take a shower" he says walking in.
"Let me finish I'm almost done" you spit out the tooth paste.
You look over at erik and see him taking his shirt off.
"Can you not wait 5 minutes" you giggle.
You turn around and start rinsing your tooth brush, Erik gets in the shower.
"Get in if you want" you here Erik say while you were walking out,
"Not tonight I'm in my pajamas " you laugh.
"Finee.. can you out my towel on the sink tho so I don't have to walk far" he whines,
"Sure.." you laugh and out it up.
"Have funnn" you laugh closing the door.

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