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"And how do you suppose we do that?" He looked at Karl, dumbfounded.


"We- we can.. try to use scissors!" he tried pulling at the non-tangible string, which seemed impossible, as it still went through his hand.  He starts sniffling with every attempt to grab it, each one getting much more aggressive than before.

"Karl, stop." Dream took Karl's hand in his own, which felt... Pretty decent. It felt warm, and somewhat gentle;  it's weird, given the fact that he uses swords on almost a daily basis.

"Let's uh.. go take some time and think about this together, okay?" He lets go of Karl's hands, and Karl nearly whined at that. It wasn't odd or anything, he just liked affection.

* * *

They had no idea where they were going, but it was certainly easing up their stress.  The small rays of honeyed light spilled in between the densely close trees, illuminating all the beautiful flowers that swayed calmly in the wind. 

Karl didn't know what to do with his hands; they fidgeted with the hem of his shirt and it was quite obvious how awkward this interaction was.

Dream coughs, attempting to loosen up the intense silence between the two of them. 

"You uh.. You doing okay now, Karl?"

Karl glanced up at the other man, nodding with a warm smile. It was only then that he realized how attractive Dream was, despite his mask covering his face. His golden locks seemed so silky smooth, and he just wanted to run his hands in them; to decorate them with an abundant amount of tiny daisies that would make him look like some sort of mythical fairy. He could just imagine how gorgeous his face was-- 


How strange, not even twenty-four hours ago-- Karl was pining over Sapnap. So why now did Karl suddenly develop a small sense of attraction towards Dream? Whatever, it's not like it was a major thing or anything. He did still have feelings for Sapnap, after all.

"The sun's starting to set, want me to walk you back home?" Dream offers, smiling behind his masked face.

Karl shook his head, "No, the setting is so pretty right now." He looks up towards the sky, eyes glimmering as he watches the birds above him fly over his head. "Besides, there's a pond over there, I wanted to sit and relax there." He adds, pointing to the direction of said pond.

Dream sighs, allowing Karl to take him by the hand and walk him towards a secluded area.

They sat by the small body of water for the next thirty minutes, discussing how perfect their little crushes were whilst enjoying the pink-orange color of the reflective pond.

Frogs croaked on small lily pads as the night falls upon them, it was perfect, serene.

"It was fun talking to you again, Karl." Dream sat up, stretching his sore arms.

"Ditto," Karl replied, waving goodbye as the two turned the opposite direction to head home.



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Fate Never Lies ~Karlwastaken~Where stories live. Discover now