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He stayed up late that night, drinking several cans of his favorite beverage: Monster. He sat by his window with a fluffy blanket draped over his shoulders like a big cape. 

He yawns, looking at the endless blue sky. He wonders if Sapnap liked anyone, or if he knew his soulmate already.

Eyes nearly fluttering shut, he took another sip of the cold drink that was almost empty; he silently hums as a shining star materializes, then vanishing as quickly as it appeared. He hadn't acknowledged the faint glowing red light that lit up his dark room. 

A long sigh, he tosses the empty can into a nearby trash can. It lands right in with a clatter, and it scattered his once composed thoughts.

Wide awake, he lifts his left hand up in the air, looking at the long string that stood out in the night. He tried to grab at the knot that was tied onto his pinky, to no avail.

He falls into a deep slumber, sleeping blissfully in peace.

* * *

His eyes slowly flicker open, squinting at the slightly bright lighting. It takes him a few seconds to register that everything surrounding him was a shade of blue.

Don't get him wrong, the hue was quite beautiful, but waking up to a scene that is nothing but blue is.. Odd, to say the least.

He hears the familiar sounds of waves crashing against the shore, figuring that he was on a beach.

His Converse shoes were dirtied with the sand; every step he took made them dirtier, the small grains of sand getting wedged in-between the small spaces of the shoe bottom.

He walks around, hoping to find a familiar face.

It was futile, however, because he was alone.

Or was he?

A loud crunching sound of sand being stepped on was heard directly behind him.

Quickly turning around, Karl sees a figure standing behind him. Oh wait, he knows that figure! It was Sapnap. But what was he doing here?

"Sappy!" His smile was broad, running in for a hug, which the other declined by simply stepping backwards.

"I.. I wanted to tell you something for so long." Tears were starting to form in his tear-ducts, "But didn't have the courage to, so I'm just gonna..."

"Karl." his voice was an echo, like there was a long distance between them; regardless of them both being so close to each other.

Karl's smile faltered looking at his beloved's facial expression: sorrowful and full of regret.



Heartbeat become irregularly fast, he began sweating from how anxious he had become in just a matter of seconds.

"I'm sorry." The younger started to slowly dissolve into nothingness, Karl instinctively reaching for his hand and grabbing it.

It felt so cold.

"What're you sorry for?" tears ran down his cheek like a soft river flow, "Tell me!" 

At this point, Sapnap was at the brink of fading.

"It'll never work out between us, Karl."

Those were the last seven words Karl heard out of the imaginative Sapnap before he had faded completely; Karl being left alone, confused and scared.



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Fate Never Lies ~Karlwastaken~Where stories live. Discover now