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Man, he just couldn't get a break, can he?

That was the third time he was awoken in the middle of the night.

At this rate, he might as well not even get any sleep at all. 

Maybe he just needed some herbal tea. Yeah, that never fails to put him to a good nights sleep.

As he mixed the beverage, his mind wondered off to the reoccurring dreams he had been getting, and the many coincidences of him seeing Dream everywhere he went. 

Could all that be the works of the string? Interesting.

The more he thought about Dream, the more flushed his face became.

Damn, so this was inevitable. Karl shook his head, clearing his mind as he drank his lukewarm tea. 

He had some sort of feelings for Dream, he won't deny that, but it wasn't as strong as his feelings for Sapnap. Maybe he just wasn't spending much time as he thought he was?

Whatever the case was, Karl wasn't in the mood to worry about such minimal things.

He clearly had a larger problem at hand, and that was his strongly developed feelings for Sapnap.

How could he possibly move on from that man?

* * *

He was seeing Sapnap less and less now with each week passing by.

Karl spent most of his hours with Dream, occasionally joking around about how their supposed 'soulmates' were actually dating each other. 

He had thought Dream was a captivating man from the start, but the more time he spent with him, the more he realized how attractive he really was. 

His voice alone was enough to make him blush, and that infectious laugh didn't make things easier either.

The same could be said for Dream as well.

He had soon come to terms that Karls angelic presence was always a pleasant to be around, and he'd take any chance to converse with him, not to mention his energy was radiating  such strong positive vibes that he could practically see a halo glowing around him.

He realized how precious Karl was to him.

* * *

Karl invited Dream to his house for tea one day, just so they could spend more time together with each other longer. He supposed it was the easiest way to rid of his feelings for Sapnap.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Karl welcomed him in excitedly, kicking off his shoes as he held the door open for his guest. 

"Geez." Dreams attention immediately went to the shelves that was filled completely with novels. "You're a nerd."

Karl rolled his eyes in response, "How rude! I invite you over and this is the respect I get?" 

The room was filled with booming laughter, and it soon quieted down as Karl finished making the tea.

"Why so many books, anyways?" 

Karl looked over to the old books that were now collecting dust, turning back to Dream and responding with a simple, "They're just books from when I was interested in romance."

"Wow. I never thought you were obsessed with it."Dream gawks at the amount of books he had, snorting when he imagined a younger version of Karl having his head buried in a books, surrounded by a mountain of books.

"..Anyways." Karl coughed, mildly embarrassed, "I wanted to ask you something, now that you're here." 


"You've mentioned that your dreams had kept you awake for a while, can you tell me in detail what it was about?" To be honest, even if Dream told him what his dreams were about, he wouldn't even know what to do with that information. 

"Well, It normally starts out in a rose garden." He starts, and Karl couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, signaling Dream to keep on going. "And I saw you at a distance, so I called your name out. You never responded though, it was all so weird."

"Huh, it's similar to my dream." Was all Karl had to say. "But what's the connection? Why do we both have very similar dreams?"

"You think it might be the gods trying to get us together?" Dream suggested, though it wasn't serious. 

Karl rolled his eyes at the absurdity of the idea, imaging the thought of gods playing with them like puppets. "Well, it probably is the string. Though, I've never read about having dreams like these." 

"Karl, your books are so outdated, there might be new information regarding the string." 

"Whatever." Karl huffs, finishing his tea. "Thanks for coming over, though." He collects their empty cups, walking away for a moment to put them in the dishwasher.

"Of course, I've got to go though, I have training with Sapnap again."

"Oh, okay." Karl looked disappointed, seeing as he hadn't even stayed for more than two hours. "You can come back any time." Karl offers with a slight blush dusted across his porcelain face.

"Bye." Dream gives Karl a quick chaste kiss on the forehead; freezing at the realization.

They both stood there, looking at each other with faces red as a ripe cherry. 

"I-I'm sorry, I, uh.. I just do that out of habit.. with.. family."

Karl only nods, watching as the flustered Dream rush out without saying another word.



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Fate Never Lies ~Karlwastaken~Where stories live. Discover now