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It had been a week since Karl had seen or interacted with Sapnap.

Well, to be fair, he was constantly distracted by the conversations he had with Dream; a special connection they had started to form after realizing they were each other's soulmates.

But.. It's not like they like each other, right?

Well, who cares about that right now? All Karl wanted to do was find Sapnap, and hang out with him again like they used to do.

It took about two hours of searching and asking others  where he could be located, but he finally managed to track down where he was. 

He was about to call out to him, when he noticed another figure besides him. This person was shorter, and had a lanky figure. The faster he ran, the more he could recognize those distinguishable features. It was George.

Ah, George! They must have been--

Karl witnessed something he hadn't anticipated, though he should've.

He saw Sapnap lean in to kiss the shorter man, and the two embraced each other in a loving hug as they did so.

His heart shattered like glass.

How long? How long has he remained oblivious to their relationship? From what it looked like, they seemed to have been together for a while now.

He didn't want to stay here any longer.

He pivots on his heel, running the opposite direction from the couple.

He knew that Sapnap wasn't meant to be his, but it still left a twinge of jealousy in his heart; a stinging pain, as if a jellyfish had stung his heart, leaving a permanent mark.

He wasn't over Sapnap yet.

One week wasn't enough to get over your feelings over someone.

It was never enough.

He curses to every god he knows, despising every bit of the string that felt like a fucking curse.

Yet at the same time, 

Maybe it wasn't so bad.

Because on the bright side, he had someone else to look after him.

Karl hadn't realized it just yet, but  something had sparked in his relationship with Dream.

A familiar feeling; one that would be the match that would light his heart aflame. 

While he was running back home in tears, he could still see something through his clouded vision.

It was a flower.

Not any flower, it was an Amaranthus caudatus; which is usually associated with the term 'love lies bleeding'.

Karl smiled to himself, gently caressing the velvet colored flower in his hands.

It was like the flower was destined to warn him of his upcoming heartbreak. 



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Fate Never Lies ~Karlwastaken~Where stories live. Discover now